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HomeEntertainmentLindsay Lohan Joins Paris Hilton in Islam

Lindsay Lohan Joins Paris Hilton in Islam

LOS ANGELES - USA - Lindsay Lohan has embraced the Islamic religion and was photographed carrying a copy of the Koran, on Wednesday

The previously troubled Hollywood starlet, Lindsay Lohan has found solace in Islam much like former socialite Paris Hilton did in 2011.

“I found a profound peace in the Muslim religion because it offers calmness and discipline to the chaos and profound evil of Hollywood. I have sinned, but I found the light of Islam gave me true universal understanding and dignity,” Lohan told reporters outside her home on Tuesday.

Islamic writings and scriptures are travelling through Hollywood-land like wildfire, and many celebrities are converting to a religion which is misunderstood and maligned by the Western mainstream media.

“The Koran is a very powerful book, it invokes elements of universality that other books do not. There is no false idol worship. It is a way of life, and people are dying for it in the Middle East today. You can bomb those people all you want, but you cannot bomb a belief system that is so all-encompassing that it is indestructible. What they are fighting for in the Middle East now is their right to exist as Muslims and they are fighting against what they perceive as the evil that is trying to pollute the world,” one of Lohan’s friends told CBS.

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  1. No surprise. Cowards do what cowards do.

    Bash the treatment of women by white men in the USA all day long, then join a religion which stones women to death in 2016 for adultery.

    Cowards one and all, all of their choices driven by their own selfishness and fear.

  2. Islam is filth, founded by a child molester and murderer. Only a loser would convert to it. Those born into it are merely enslaved by it. Death to them all.

      • Your response to his post make your comments no better than his. So much for Islam being the religion of peace ah? up until that point proof was needed…. you failed miserably.

    • at least as muslim we respect all religions and we don’t wish die to people i think now you know the different between us

          • no one ever accused a muslim of being smart. You’re talking ancient history fool. What does that have to do with anything. You’re allah is a mutt pig. I wiped my ass with a quran at the public library last week.

          • yes, because the holocaust is “ancient history”. Tell me, who cause the Holocaust, the Crusades, and the death of 100 million Native Americans?

          • Nazi anti semitism was RACIAL, not religious. Jews were considered irredeemably inferior racially and genetically. Even Christians of Jewish back ground were killed. Also, you talk about the crusades, but what about the Muslim invasions of then Christian Mesipotamia, the Levant, Egypt, North Africa and Spain and France? As or the indians, religion didn’t play a part. Other people wanted to move in to their area, and the Indians were, well in the way.

          • The Nazis were either Christian or Atheist. The Muslims had a good reason to invade the Byzantine controlled lands. The emperor killed a messenger than they had sent. The Muslims let many of the civilians live, while the crusaders
            It’s not Indians, they are called Native Americans. And they do play a part, many native Americans were forced to convert to Christianity.

          • Nazi anti semitism was RACIAL, not religious. Jews were considered irredeemably inferior racially and genetically. Even Christians of Jewish back ground were killed. Also, you talk about the crusades, but what about the Muslim invasions of then Christian Mesipotamia, the Levant, Egypt, North Africa and Spain and France?

        • ISIS is anti Islam not Muslims it what All God fearing Muslim says and abhore iSIS. Dick Weasel you are human like any other that God created so my humble request you to read if you have time and know yourself first the Praise the Lord who created all of us: http://www.quranexplorer.com/quran.
          After reading and understanding Quran you decide yourself what is the Truth. May God guide all of us to the path of righteousness and save us from Hell Fire, Aameen

  3. Guys look into Sufism. It is a mystical sect of Islam where they love music wine and dance. They only promote love and peace. Unfortunately Sufis are hunted and killed by Jihadis.

  4. yea, we invaded Iraq over a dozen years ago for oil and to convert Muslims to Christians. Do you blame how they reacting? I’m not condoning bombing of the Jihadist, two wrongs don’t make it right. All i can say is USA started it, and the invasion was supported by Jerry Falwell.

    • Hey Genius, tell us WHY Muslims have been butchering non-Muslims since the 7th Century?

      P.S. American did not exist then – just a hint.

    • Sigh…here comes the girl who thinks world history started when she was born to tell us why the world is the way it is. Oh goody.

  5. Very interesting. But she is telling the truth about one thing: The liberal-endorsed hedonism of the West is what is provoking Islamofascism to this new tendency toward violence.

  6. Good luck to them. Who are we to say otherwise? If one person finds peace there’s nothing wrong with that.

    • I haven’t seen that recently and that was the first thing that came to mind. Still not for me to judge them/

    • I sit corrected. I just saw a pic from this month. Still I don’t judge them. Whatever brings them peace.

  7. Sounds like she needs new friends (Or perhaps the vitriolic hateful population pushed her towards it?)

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