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HomeEntertainmentParis Hilton Converts to Buddhism

Paris Hilton Converts to Buddhism

LOS ANGELES - USA - Former socialite, Paris Hilton has now decided to convert to Buddhism, after sensationally converting to Islam last week, her press officer, Ian Brinkham has revealed.


“What can we say, Paris thought she was into that other religion last week but she gets bored all too easily. Besides, the praying five times a day thing with fasting was really getting on her tits. She likes to dress in fetish gear daily as well, and underneath her Burqa it was getting way too stinky,” Mr Brinkham revealed.

What was tipped as a major turning point in Islamic Western relations has now turned into a farce of epic proportions with even President Obama getting involved.

“I keep getting Middle Eastern leaders phoning me on the hotline praising Paris Hilton for her conversion to Islam. I then try to explain to them who Paris Hilton is, but they don’t get it,” a frustrated Barack Obama relayed through his press office.




The former glamour model and ex-heiress, who has slept with a reputed 12,000 people so far, seems to be finally reaching enlightenment and celebrated her spiritual journey yesterday by splashing out on a pair of $8,000 shoes.

She met former felon, Bodhidharma Mahatma Ibn Himar during the same retail therapy session at the famous Rodeo Drive shopping area in Beverly Hills and was convinced to join his Buddhist sect.

“I think this time this is the right religion for her. Although I have to say she has been through about 23 religions and cults this year alone,” her sister, Nicky Hilton told TMZ.

Paris’ latest boyfriend, Brad Mullet, opined: “Paris tried Islam for a week. Now she’s being mentored by a Buddhist monk and I guess two weeks from now she might try something else.”

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  1. btw tht verse is not meant to show that allah has limitations. it just tells us that he cnt have kids nor parents, its stressing tht there is no other like him and there CAN'T be. not that he can't make it be if he wanted to, god could do anything. that verse just refers to god's divinty. just thought i'd clear that up for you. u seem confused. o and i noticed ure talkin about allah like hes a different god or something… well we actually belive in the same one god, allah is jst the way we say god. anyways i love how these comments tht were supposed to b about this paris hilton non sense turned into a full out debate about islam. come on guys at least make a comment on paris hilton. clearlyyy she needs the attention. lol

  2. wow so sad to hear people talk with there no facts talking about bombs and marrying children subanallah how rude ! your words will come to hurt you one day ….. anyway 1st bomb wasnt even by a muslim so get facts right and many people in the west uk rape or fiddle with kids so dont talk about marrying children !!!!!!! wow i could say black people deal drugs or white people chop there family up and put them in the fridge but that is just one person that dont mean everyone that looks like or comes from the same background is like that GROW UP you people ould only dis our lord on this page ….. you prob work or live next to muslims and smile at them then go back to your familys says oh that muslim is ok cause there not proper GET REAL all different if you want to talk or dis us then at least know what your talking about and show your evidence wow sad sad sad

  3. I wud not be suprised if turning muslim would be hard for anybody, I meen, u muslims belive every non muslim would go strait to hell, who ever thinks that is pathetic end off

  4. @Farid and all other muslims, this is what happens when u'r ignorant and sponnfed/brain washed! 1st of all i wish u pple would stick to preaching ur own gospel in ur mosques or wherever u go instead of wast time all ur time in preaching how christianity isn't this or that, stick to what u'r s'posed to preach, u'll never hear christians in church wasting their time bothered about muslims, why should we? our faith is what exorcises ur demons when u run to the church for help! yes! genies!! i know it coz i see so many muslims who come to our churches to be exorcised, the same religion which u say is UNBELIEVERS! i suggest u stick to ur own religion and have the decency to respet others without opening ur mouth. u know nothing! our Bible is one and the only one since time immemorial, all the others u see are versions made easy for pple to understand, translations too. if u were not brain washed, u would know this simple fact!

  5. I love Paris, she is so original hahaha, thats how u get attention, and u muslim and none muslim morons shut f. up, this has nothing to do with u, its all about attention .
    Love you Paris>>>>>>>>

  6. if u dont have knowledge about our religion u shud never comment on it ok?? our religion is all about peace n humanity..this is the only religion where a women is respected the most… only if u know…in our religion GOD is gracious forgiving the master of this universe…Hez the one giving u power to move ur every inch…HE is the one giving u all the bounties ur availing in this life…HEZ the one giving u all the happiness u ddint evn asked for…n here ur insulting a religion for whch u have got no knowledge.IM a muslim n my religion teaches me to be polite n spread our message in a well mannered n decent way.. n my religion teaches me not to insult any other religion…but ya we cant hear a word about ALLAH OUR GOD….n ths u shud clearly understand..ok?? n bfr u get hyped up abt all wot i rote..try searching over our religion n understanding its beauty…n thn if u get any kind of objection u may rite.. but ur words shud be decent if its mentioned in the religion ur following….!

  7. – 112.003 He begetteth not, nor is He begotten ==== Islam allah is limited– allah CANNOT BE GOD —
    this proves allah cannot do it.
    Muslam are sadly misled by a manual for tribal leaders to keep
    them in their exaulted positions.

  8. hy all of you;
    first of all we have a word as muslum in quran sayed by allah : and if the ignorant speaks to them they '( believers) say: peace ;peace.
    but about paris hilton ; i say too all and precisely who fears about islam ; that converting paris hilton to Islam; which I doubt that this news is true ; that didn't add to islam any thing and I didn't like it you know why because islam isn't a fun or game it a mode of life

  9. for me simply the way you are talking dos show how you are uneducated, at least try to get some education before talking about Islam or Christianity or Judaism.
    Have some courtesy for general knowledge. Did you read the holy Quran ? you are like a parrot repeating with no brains. Again go educate your self then talk from knowledge that you gain your self to seek the truth. Not a parrot with no brains or a sheep that fallows any one or any thing.


  10. Ve, look I am 100% sure your politician have a hand on it as well if some attacks happens while you celebrate your Christmas in the churches. They want to have a justification for their deadly attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq. I am sure most of the westerners (local people) are not satisfied from being their country soldiers here in Iraq and Afghanistan and they plan such a attacks to convince their people that it is a right decision to attack on those countries otherwise I make you sure that Islam is against of killing, and Muslims are the real supporters of peace and love to live in peaceful environment. If you want to judge about religions first of all read the holly books of that religion afterward judge about the religions. There are lots of propaganda about Muslims in western Medias shows a wrong picture about Islam and Muslims but in reality things are happening under the name of Muslims and Islam are against Islamic principle. For further and reliable confirmation please refer to an English translated version of Holly Quran the speech of holly Allah. SWT.

  11. The Quaran is the word of God ,If God is really Satan. Such an evil book has never been matched. Islam is the worlds greatest tragedy, because it has brought death and destruction to the world for 1400 years.The God of the Quaran is one of Hate rather than love. A God of lies rather than truth.The God of the Quaran is one of death rather than life. Only a real fool can not see Islam for what it really is.

  12. These comments have made my day. Much funnier than the article. If drawing them was was your intention, Bravo!

  13. You sir are nothing but a perverted scab of an animal that does not know anything about Islam nor Christianity I am afraid. Are you trully christian? Then how come you do not follow the teachings of the Prophet Jesus ( Issah to Muslims) who prophesised the coming of the last and final prophet of God ( Allah to Muslims) who is non other than Prophet Mohammad pbuh. Be peaceful and a decent humanbeing and stop hurting people with your dirty and uncouth tirade!

  14. okay, first of all, it is sad that she has to do something like this to get any attention. It's quite obvious that she really doesn't understand the purpose of being affiliated with a particular religious group. You don't convert from one religion to another on a whim. I don't know about muslims or buddhists, but I can tell you one thing…..I know that Jesus Christ lived on earth to be like man and while He was here, He showed us what love was about. His only mission was to do what His Father told Him to do….and He NEVER hurt anyone nor did He tell His followers to hurt anyone. Being a Christian has nothing to do with being religious, but everything to do with letting the Holy Spirit lead you daily. Paris Hilton is lost spiritually, but there is time….she is still alive….hopefully she will go down the path of someone who can introduce her to the real King of Kings, the real Lord of Lords, and she will hopefully accept Him into her heart.

  15. Farid, for me islam is not a religion,its more like a crime organization that kill people (terorism), marry children, burn temples n churches like you guys did in indonesia n other asian countries. it is not comfort for us,everytime we celebrate christmas at church with so many polices outside, to protect us from stupid muslims attack. its not fair!

  16. Dear Muslim brothers see how stupid is this person. He is really ignorant and aggressive. Muslims are not terrorist Islam have put the highest punishment for murders. Look you westerns are killing dozens of people every day in Iraq and Afghanistan. We Muslims have not attacked on any non muslin living countries. It doesn’t matter what is your language in this world if you are Muslim Arabic will fully flow in your language in the other world. I challenge you if you can write half sentence of holly Quran by your hart. It is a miracle there is no changes in it in the last 1400 years. Look how many different versions of bible do you have? It proofs the abolishment of your bible and religion. Do not look to Islam in aggressive way I advice you to read some paragraphs of holly Quran after wards judge about Islam and Muslims. Do not listen to the speech of your evil popes. It is not your mistake you do not know anything about Islam and Muslims you have heart about Islam from your evil politicians and popes.

  17. Dear Muslims , PLZ ignore those guys , they know nothing about ISLAM , for many rezones …
    first it's not there fault ,because of there lake of information about Islam & Muslims.
    then we don't want to take some "THONOB" when we curse some one like those.
    for there information , we were not happy at all for here converting , BUT we believe every one has the right to chose his/here religion , and we believe that GOD always FORGIVING and Mercifulness to all when they hold the right path ..

  18. Frankie thank you , you just prove to us all that Muslims are real stupid fuck . ask me how and I tell you ..
    1- who will be the judge in Allah's challenge ? Muslims or non Muslims ? go ask you terrorist imam

    2-since the Koran is written in Arabic !! why in the hell Allah make such challenge when 80% of the stupid Muslims don't speak Arabic and 65% of the Arab cant read or write , and if any one take the challenge he or she will be killed by Allah servants !!!!

    3- I challenge Allah and his idiots if they can write one sentence like Shakespeare's and i give you 14,000.00 years to do it . Allah's challenge is non sense and stupid . DAM ALLAH .

  19. what an ignorant reply..haven't you seen how aggressive and full of malice your quote is? I feel sorry for you. And for your information I am a muslim and I wasn't happy about the news of Paris converting to Islam, I even didn't believe it. However, she is free to do whatever she wants. The lady is distrubed and still trying to find her path.

  20. Paris was not the fist or last one convert to/from Islam or to other believes, everyhuman has the right to choose his way and she/he will find his results by the end. We have to accept and respect others' thoughts if we aim to be respected as well, that we Islam said.

  21. To all you non-muslims out there who feel attacked a religion of peace … what do you follow to breed so much hatred ? – what are you scared off the truth ?

    A challenge was put down buy Allah Swt, replicate just 1 sentence in the Quran as we belive to be actual word of god .. so how comes 1400 years later this challenge has not been met !!!! ….

    I will renounce Islam so will other 2 billion + plus if this can be done … Such a simply challenge !!!!

    no arguments or other point need to be discussed

    just prove the quran is not the word of god by replicate only 1 sentence — shouldnt be hard if you belive its written by man in desert with his gang — Rise to challenge it sooo simple !!!!

  22. your reply confirm to me the very big difference between muslims and others… thanks god that i am a muslim

  23. I actually was not surprised she became a muslim. Islam is a cult of a brainless maniacs, and since Paris Hilton is definitely of a brainless variety, Islam is where she belongs. All she needs now is a bag over her head, and some smelly, bearded cab driver to put her in her place with a cane. Allah FUBAR!!

  24. Please don't say anything derogatory about any religion. Islam is the religion which teachs us about peace, tranquility, harmony, brotherhood and tolerance. It says " LAKUM DENU KUM WAL YADIN" meaning "your religion is with you and our with us". So please be patient and don't utter anything which is prejudicial to any religion. Decision of Ms Hilton is purely of her own and she has the right to chose what she likes. Islam does not force anyone to embrass Islam it emphasises on tolerance and free will.

  25. Muslims are stupid fuck, they were so fucking happy when they heard about her converting , but look now they curse her hate her and kill her if they can !! to all ignorant Muslims I say , most of the world know what Islam is, so do not try to foll any one saying words like allah for give her , the right path , and all the Islamic crab that u Muslims use to hide that Islam is a cult and criminal organization founded by the pervert Mohammad and his gangsters using religion as cover up , dam you

  26. to Tim, you dirty shit twat rag dont talk from your assholl when the topic is about religion. stupid gay whore!!

  27. no she didn't just get it
    she used to dress in fashion daily
    plus she never used to someone look to her like a person but an object
    she likes to be seen by all the eyes so guys and lesboz call her hot
    she didn't get that when she become old no one will look to her
    she didn't get when she die no one will care about her
    all people just tryin to forget about death like it will never come
    death knows no age nor time
    please ask yourself if Islam is hard and not right…
    why some religious people converts to Islam
    why there is always people in the mosques especially Friday (El Jom3a)

  28. mate, we've taken so much shit from the west. So u, fuck ass, when we hear news like this, it gives a sign that maybe the west has strtd 2 embrace islam or learn 2 live with it. I agree that Hilton is stupid cos she said 'islam is a must-have religion' like its a fashion item but mate we're not stupid we were just hopeful and then got kicked on. So nxt time when u chat shit use your common sense if u have any. Thanks 4 listening, u may now go back 2 the craphole that is ur life.

  29. You have no right to say that about islam. You only look at our religion from the outside and attack it. Ur a massive twat.

  30. I think she has made a mistake ,of leaving Islam, Its the best religion in the World.She couldnt get what it is , Islam is just Faboulous and enchanting. There is so much to look forward after this world just because of this magnificence of it.

  31. agha person can only imagine how u wer brought up if such crap can come out of ur mouth. if u have nothing better to say u should rather shut ur filthy mouth. SIES!!!

  32. Although I do agree that it is required by Quran in the surah's mentions to cover (not niqab though – otherwise we would have had to do that in Hijj and we dont). But at the same time in the Quran God says "la iquraha fil deen" translation of meaning "no obligation in way of life or religion" so everyone to his/her own – no one can judge anyone – only God will. If we are true muslims we do not slam each other or use call each other bad words when we dont agree with each other – we are ordered in the Quran by God not to call each other bad word " wala tanabazu bil alquab" – so please before anyone critiques anyone else – try to be kind in choosing your words, advise – after all that is what God asks to do if we are true muslims and understand our Quran properly and follow our most kind prophet Mohamed peace be upon him. salamu alukum

  33. this is the funniest thing I've ever heared….really I can't stop laughing…. LOOOOOOOL

  34. No wonder muslims got happy and danced like chimps at the news of her conversion because they are simply attention whores and pervert like their arabic allah who demands all these sand goons to raise their asses 5 times a day.

  35. She convert to satan religion. All muslim shld make Fatwa on Paris for shaming Islam.

    Paris u shame Islam when u join buddha. U shame the only true religion in the world the universal religion.

  36. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Tim yoou are an idiot. Btw, it's fool, not foll. Why would muslims be happy to have a skank, whorish, trash like her accepting the religion. Get your head out of your a*se Tim. It's bigots like u who r the roots to all the turmoil. Don't open your mouth and prove yourself to be more of a dick than you already are.

  37. O muzlims please stop crying , she will be back to izlam after giving all kafers a nice
    ( B.B.B.J COME IN MOUTH ) so tell then go and lubricate your buts and get ready to bend over
    for Allah . .

  38. Stupid arabic people .. it's shameful and unnecessary to cry about brainless women… I for my part was shocked about the point someone like her being a muslim… now.. just laugh about it pleassee… She didn't target islamic people directly, that's just who she is… dumb person.. no one ever complains about this.. no catolics nor buddhists … just you stupid muslims -. –

  39. do you think you guy that u'll affect islam with anything or do u think that islam needs anyone to join you ignorant you know nothing about islam if know u wont say this, i wont insult and also can't pray for you to Allah for give you cuz if really saw you i'll kill u and i can cuz somone like u mentioned the most wonderfull man in the world with those words must not live even one second

  40. Who are you to say if veil is a must or not? wel I will surprise by telling you that it is not, no veil, no niqab, no nothing on the hair. the only mut is to wear respectfully. don't spread lies and obscurantism everywhere! and try to have a more enlightened knowledge of Islam.

  41. lol,now u seem to be dumb enough…it is a must for a muslim girl to cove her head..check Sura e noor n Ahzab in Quran for reference:)

  42. Damn you fucki' tim ,, you're just a fuckin' person ,, you'll be punished oneday ,, don't be that much proud of yourself fickin' silly ,, omg i wish i can cut your cursed head down ,, go 2 HELL !!! you're a fuckin' shit !!!!!! TIM => T. The I. Idiot M. Man ,,, hahahahahahaaaaa !! fuckin' tim ,, !! you're crying ,,, mmmm ,, fuck you ,, silly child ,, byebye 🙂

  43. I think she is very upset this time. So many Muslim brothers from Arab called her but none wants to marry her….so sad. Why can not our Muslim brother from Arab propose her, even second wife will be alright. They have loads of money to keep this girl happy.

    Some Muslim brother should come forward. Don't let her be Budhist because of her past, otherwise some Chinese guy will take her away from Muslim.

  44. Its not required dumbass, you can choose to wear it or depending on where u live you'll have to, but its a personal choice, it says no where that you HAVE to wear it, so why dont you check?

  45. Muslims are stupid fuck, they were so fucking happy when they heard about her converting , but look now they curse her hate her and kill her if they can !! to all ignorant Muslims I say , most of the world know what Islam is, so do not try to foll any one saying words like allah for give her , the right path , and all the Islamic crab that u Muslims use to hide that Islam is a cult and criminal organization founded by the pervert Mohammad and his gangsters using religion as cover up , dam you and dam Allah . OK

  46. r u kidding me… hijab is must in islam for sure infact naqab covering of full face is must .. r u out of ur mind or r u acting lyka fake muslim … go get islamic education and then post comments lyk dis ,,,
    May Allah Guide You …

  47. i am muslim and i dont wear hijab, i try to pray but i dont some times, and i feel sorry for it!
    but one of the most important values in islam is to feel allah (GOD) is protecting you, plus islam teaches you to help, respect, and be kind to everyone!
    it also have a spiritual meaning in so many ways!
    covering the head is not a must in islam! but it is a must to appreciate your soul self and body, do not reveal it, do not have any relations out side marriage, respect everyones religion and help people!

  48. well , this may by some stranger words for you to hear , but it is really coming from my heart to Paris and who else like her , My sister know one thing , your converting to the Islam doesn't change anything to the Muslim , you are only one person , Muslims are billions , your also converting back again to other religion doesn't also affect the Islam , you are the only one who lose in this action , you may think that Islam is boring because you need to pray five times per day and fast one complete month and cover your body and head , this is the first impression which may come to your mind , especially the people who are around you , who benefits your being bad girl , but remember that as much as you will live , one day you will die and turn back to your God alone , none of those people will defend you none of them will prevent you from the punishment of God , so think again and again , see what will be your reply when God asks you how did you spent your life, and what did you present for me to put you in my paradise
    God Guard and guide you my sister

  49. hi brother, just want to reminde you that we are muslimes we never insult mariam or Eisa, and we believe in them too. dont do a double mistake.

  50. I think you mistaken, it was Jesus who married his sister or i forgot , must have been something about Mary

  51. al-Hujurat 49:6 "O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done."

  52. You are very disrespectful ! you'll regret this one day !
    you're full of shit ! Get a life instead of insulting who created you !
    After all , nothing you say could harm God the Almighty nor lower him !

  53. so what if some one play, i feel it's a play Allah doing with them . That is to much better for someone when they justify everything about Islam and leave it. she has done better for herself as for good result . And she must see what she did after her time …..carry on Paris Hilton, carry on . Time is your, Allah's time has not reached

  54. May Allah forgive her. Now i guess, actually who is playing this game, media? or Patis Hilton? Allah knows best. As i'm not sure about the news, i dont wanna make any comment on Paris Hilton.

  55. OMG! she was a muslim and shes a buddhist
    religons are not here to play with she should make up her mind!

  56. What the F**K man. Ive read a news about she already converted to Islam just now, Hey u Girl! Don't ever playing fool about Islam. If you dont want to converted to Islam. Just say it. ! S****P.

  57. wat the fucking news is this …. i saw she converted to islam but if she is playing like this wit islam [the universal ] then really i feel she is doing the biggest sin in this world

  58. you are a breed pigs and dogs, who is a prostitute, on the sidelines of the devil to give a child into prostitution, that is you ….

  59. I agree with Alam. People who new in knowing every relegion cannot understand deep. For sincere step, u should praise to God to giide n show u which is d truth. God will guide u…..

  60. Isn't Allah that gay guy who just married Mohammed in a star studded Jewish wedding last week in Monte Carlo with a pork buffet and a howling dog quartet???

  61. Nothing i will say about paris hilton but one thing i would like to say that Paris should keep a very sincere intention by saying in her heart that O GOD guide me towards the direction for the supreme triumph of this world as well as hereafter.

  62. We should not say anything about her. Every people choose her future. She choose her too. Allah dont want to convert anyone and worship. If anyone want, that they did for their own, not for Allah. If i or you dont like Allah's way then million of people are still in world who are searching for truth. May be allah choose them. So Hilary choose her , nothing to be worried here.

  63. U all believe she converted then your all idiots

    unfortunately its all a publicity stunt for attension and to see the reaction of you wollys

    its in her blood she cant change who she is. if it a true figure of 12000 people she slept with then you think there is hope haha everyone on the previous article were saying mashallah praising her and the sad thing you follw this mickey mouse website

  64. I hate her now she makes mockery of us moslims . If you read this Tahirah is ur real name not paris hilton. U will comeback to ur true spirit Allah will give guidance to u. Islam 4 life not just a joke.

  65. You think converting religion is just like changing clothes?? You hurt Muslims out there!! I hope Allah give hidayah to you.. Poor Paris =(

  66. this da hoax? she now a muslim not budhist. I check news an no other tell it? Paris u must come back to Islam u can not leave like this?

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