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HomeWorldWoman Gives Birth to Muslim Baby During Trump Meeting

Woman Gives Birth to Muslim Baby During Trump Meeting

WISCONSIN - USA - Carlata Olsen, 43, from Wisconsin, gave birth during a Donald Trump rally in her home town of Hickville yesterday.


The woman was so surprised to have been standing almost 35 inches away from Trump that her waters broke and she gave birth on Donald Trump’s $8,000 Italian leather shoes.

One bystander was not shocked by the incident, but was astounded when the baby seemed to have brown skin and started crying out ‘Allah Akbar’ when it shot out of the woman’s slush shoot at high speed.

“The birth seemed fine, sure Don got his shoes soaked with blood and afterbirth, but the most shocking thing was this baby was the devil’s child. It started shouting snackbars and it even had a turban on its head. Then, this horrible brown skinned thang tried to strangle Donald’s foot waging Jeehad on his ass. At that moment, security came and put that lil critter in a cage and took the woman away. I don’t know who was more shocked, Donald, the woman, or the crowd?” Abe Johnson, from Milwaukee told Fox news 5.

After the incident Trump said: “You see what I was talking about? A white woman just gave birth to a Muslim. When I’m president, that shit ain’t gonna happen. Now I gotta get a new pair o’ shoes!”

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  1. What do we lose? Not much. I tried to watch this show, but I just couldn’t. I found it to be pedantic and boring.

  2. What do we lose? Not much. I tried to watch this show, but I just couldn’t. I found it to be What do we lose? Not much. I tried to watch this show, but I just couldn’t. I found it to be pedantic and boring.

    pedantic and boring.

  3. What do we lose? Not much. I tried to watch this show, but I just couldn’t. I found it to be pedantic and boring

  4. What do we lose? Not much. I tried to watch this show, but I just couldn’t. I found it to be pedantic and borin

  5. What do we lose? Not much. I tried to watch this show, but I just couldn’t. I found it to be pedantic and boring

  6. What do we lose? Not much. I tried to watch this show, but I just couldn’t. I found it to be pedantic and boring.

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