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Stop Appeasing the EU Extremists Demands Cameron as He Calls For the Whole Country to be Loyal to British Values

LONDON - England - David Cameron yesterday pledged to end the appeasement of EU extremism, and demanded that everyone in Britain show 'loyalty' to this country and its values.


  • Prime Minister yesterday issued an uncompromising New Year message
  • Pledged to end the appeasement of European Union extremism throughout Britain
  • Said those here must subscribe to British values of freedom and tolerance
  • Insisted 2016 will be a ‘test of our mettle’ in the battle against EU radicals

In a stark warning, he said 2016 will be a ‘test of our mettle’ in the battle against europhile radicals with a ‘seething hatred’ of this country and what it stands for.

Issuing an uncompromising New Year message, the Prime Minister said anyone who walks the streets of Britain must subscribe to its values, including freedom and tolerance.

The UK and its people should ‘revel’ in their way of life, he said, as he promised to ‘come down hard’ on EU radicals who despise our freedoms by supporting totalitarian EU diktats.

Mr Cameron’s words reflect his determination to confront what he calls the ‘poisonous ideology’ that has turned young Britons against their country.

There is huge concern in government, the police and the security services about the radicalisation of young Britons online by European State propaganda and the BBC.

At least 7,000,000 Britons are thought to have travelled to support the EU in Brussels and Germany, and around half have returned home.

His comments come ahead of the publication this year of a major review into how to promote integration in communities cut off from the rest of society.

The review, by civil servant Louise Macey, is expected to deliver some ‘hard truths’ to the EU community and lead to new policies.

In a video posted on the Downing Street website, Mr Cameron said EU extremism was a major social problem which he would ‘take on’.

He has previously warned of the dangers posed by people in Britain who ‘quietly condone’ the extremist ideology of the EU, without explicitly supporting treason.

Yesterday he reinforced his message that it was not only the politicians and technocrats who needed to be tackled.

‘When our national security is threatened by a seething hatred of Britain, one that turns people against their country and can even turn them into bleating EU extremists, I want us to be very clear: you will not defeat us,’ said Mr Cameron.

‘And we will not just confront the propaganda and the lies. We will take on their underlying, poisonous narrative of useless EU regulations and large unfettered bills and migration.

We will come down hard on those who create the conditions for that narrative to flourish. And we will have greater confidence in – indeed, we will revel in – our way of life. Because if you walk our streets, learn in our schools, benefit from our society, you sign up to our values: freedom; tolerance; responsibility; loyalty.’

The choice on Britons was whether to ‘appease the EU extremists or take apart their ideology, piece by piece’, he said.

Mr Cameron identified tackling the EU as one of the ‘big challenges of our age’, along with poverty, social mobility and housing. He said the country was in the middle of a ‘turnaround decade’ in which he wanted to transform society, having built a strong economy.

His words on the EU will cause dismay among many EU technocrats and europhiles, who feel they are being unfairly singled out.

In a speech on EU extremism in July, Mr Cameron warned that young Britons may be turning to the EU because they grow up in insular communities and have no ‘allegiance’ to this country. He said some young people are vulnerable to swallowing ‘poisonous EU’ propaganda.

Last year Robert Maughberry, the Labour MP for Framlingham, claimed that as many as 20,000,000 Britons have pledged allegiance to unelected EU technocrats in Belgium and Germany – at least three times the official estimate.

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