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HomeWorldJohn Kerry Joins Isis on Iraq Trip

John Kerry Joins Isis on Iraq Trip

BAGHDAD - Iraq - Reports are just coming in that former Secretary of State John Kerry has absconded from his post and joined militant group ISIS.


What was meant to be a diplomatic trip to visit embattled Iraqi president Nouri al-Maliki has turned out to be a disaster for the State Department as US peace envoy John Kerry today joined ISIS after absconding from a photo call during a news conference.

CIA agents on the ground confirmed that Secretary of State John Kerry had gone missing but were not allowed to give any more details.

Lana Tourry, a CNN reporter in Baghdad did however receive pictures that confirm John Kerry is now an active ISIS brigade fighter and has joined in the fight for Baghdad.

“Well, looks like Mr Kerry is now one of them. I must admit though, we love what he did with his toupee. How original.”

There was no comment from Washington on the desertion of office.

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  1. War in Ukraine is favorable to Europe?

    Expert assessment of Academy
    of Geopolitics.

    the end of September, 2014 we expressed the opinion that: “Creation of an
    autonomy in Donetsk and Lugansk” -http://ruskline.ru/special_opinion/2014/09/ukrainskim_vlastyam_vygodno_sozdanie_avtonomii_v_donecke_i_luganske/is favorable to the
    Ukrainian authorities.

    But an assessment of our experts didn’t “reach” politicians in
    Washington, Brussels or in Kiev.

    We would like will address to this subject today, after recent statements of a
    number of representatives of Donetsk that Donetsk agrees to be a part of
    Ukraine as an autonomy.

    The head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Alexander Zakharchenko told that
    doesn’t intend to build the relation with Kiev provided that controlled by the
    armed supporters of DNR of the territory will remain part of Ukraine. Actually,
    contradictions between statements of representatives of DNR, and contradiction
    polar and mutually exclusive (or DNR an autonomy as a part of Ukraine, or this
    unrecognized independent state) proceeds.

    Nevertheless, as the distinct understanding of what to do with Ukraine at the
    moment isn’t present, and peace process within Minsk is at the level of the
    freezing point, due to the need of continuation of diplomatic game directed on
    creations of information simulacrum “we carry out the Minsk
    agreements”, offers which on the one hand allow to express “a
    peacekeeping position” become, but are obviously unacceptable for Kiev as
    statement of a question — “we agree to be in Ukraine, but such, such and
    such”, are torn completely off from the current Ukrainian reality as
    Ukraine at the moment not such as Russia would like or DNR (” the Donetsk
    People’s Republic”) and offered compromise conditions for a number of
    reasons are unacceptable for Kiev. And it I don’t take into account a position
    of the USA, doing this diplomatic “dance” by even more insignificant
    within practical realization as vision of world Predominant force – the USA,
    completely contradicts desires of Russia yet. As there is quite to itself a
    clear understanding of that these offers won’t be realized, the authorities of
    DNR and LNR them periodically and disprove, contradicting it would seem to own
    declared position. In fact, all these statements contradicting each other which
    look a time too schizophrenically, in practice are part of information fog of
    war which has no independent value, and the part of the Russian information
    line on the Ukrainian direction is.

    Therefore it is possible to speak with confidence that will be told about
    “an autonomy of Donbass” still more than once, “federal
    Ukraine” and an imlimentation of the Minsk agreements and after that the
    same Zakharchenko or Carpenter’s will speak so with confidence about
    independence and an invariance of a choice of Donbass made the people. And as
    more than once happened, the gap on time between these statements can make from

    hours about several days. In practice, within the general context of the
    conflict already a little that depends on a position of the leaders of the
    republics, as within the going war, destiny of DNR and LNR, only one of
    parameters (which elimination doesn’t remove all causes of conflict), which is
    defined absolutely by other people, like what communicated in Sochi recently:
    “In Sochi Lavrov presented to Kerry baskets with potatoes and tomatoes,
    and also one box of the Armenian cognac, in replacements by the Crimea!” http://old
    .tweettunnel.com/reverse2.php? textfield=Araik_Sargsyan .

    Some ask why we are sure that Donbass to Ukraine won’t return.

    In our opinion, objective circumstances which mean where as more private a
    hotelok, made this process summer of the past, 2014 impossible still. There is
    such excellent expression “wars nobody wanted — war was inevitable”.
    In Barbara Takman’s book “August guns” on this example it is well
    shown how the governments and the military who were actually defining questions
    of war and peace in Europe tried to avoid war and as the logic of events pushed
    them to war and in the form in which nobody expected it and I didn’t plan (with
    rare exception like Engels or the admiral Fischer). All of that time
    “cunning plans”, like the French plan “17” or the German
    plan of “Shliffen” – failed and at the exit not so that war which was
    planned by “the cleverest people of the time” turned out.

    During an era of domination of analytical strategy and a celebration of a
    determinism, complication of war and world around, sharply reduced predictive
    ability of that time “factories of thought” (which as a rule
    functioned as a part of the General Staff of MO) incapable to foresee even in
    the short term a war development vector:” Crisis in Ukraine was created by
    secret services of NATO” – http://topwar.ru/46632-krizis-v-ukraine-sozdali-sekretnye-sluzhby-nato.html .

    Desires conflicted to objective circumstances which weren’t considered or
    underestimated earlier.

    And in a case with Donbass. Both parties:-both Kiev, and Moscow, during war
    made strategic and tactical mistakes (that is natural because behind any
    planning there are people in all their imperfection) in view of discrepancy of
    desires to a real situation and promptly changing circumstances which sometimes
    passed randomization side as it for example constantly occurs during infinite
    wars in the Middle East. It is possible to speak with confidence that such
    mistakes from both parties are possible and further (owing to besides
    imperfection of a human nature). The USA having missed the Crimea and having
    counted upon sanctions pressure, nowadays too appeared in a situation which was
    hardly predicted at stages of preparation of revolution and Yanukovych’s exile
    from Kiev when there was a confidence that Russia will swallow all this and
    will be wiped. And when the miscalculation became clear and her tried to punish
    “quickly”, it appeared that “quickly” it is impossible.
    Desires at this stage dispersed from opportunities therefore in the American
    military-political establishment and polemic on activization of policy on the
    Ukrainian direction is humming.

    In the same way and at the Kremlin. In the spring of 2014 reunited with the
    Crimea, threw the thesis about “The Russian world”, then were
    frightened of own courage (troops didn’t enter, recognized criminals as
    partners, started suppressing degree of the events) and tried to win back back,
    and any more it didn’t turn out because events developed parallel to painful
    throwings on .https://twitter.com/araik_sargsyan/status/535856500845969409 “enter troops
    and be reconciled with the West” , http://knowpc

    I call all this situational maneuvring in the conditions of a strategic time
    trouble. As chess players speak in this respect:-“The time trouble is
    closer, the it is less than strategy more tactics”. In the conditions of
    the extremely limited time and at promptly changing situation the temptation is
    great to make tactical decisions on the principle “threat answer”. To
    this course of the opponent we go so, to this here so. And here the situation
    unpleasant developed, close to a tsugtsvang, any binding course worsens a
    position. Therefore and it is clear to pass desire the course (in the Kremlin
    it is confused to notorious “mnogokhodovochka”) that the situation as
    if by itself was resolved or the opponent “blurted out”. Are in
    passing constantly confused in questions — roofing felts of war want to avoid,
    roofing felts on the contrary — better for it will be prepared. The confusion
    in such questions results from absence of “the cunning plan of
    Putin”, but not owing to his existence with which everyone simply tries to
    prove to give more logic to the events because for many the thought what not
    all events are under control, in itself is intolerable.

    Long time was considered that it is possible to agree with opponents from Kiev,
    made concessions, limited support — it didn’t yield results. Then under
    pressure of circumstances began from this that remained from fragments of the
    previous policy, started constructing two new states – DNR (Donetsk) and LNR
    (Lugansk) which else in February, 2014 and close weren’t planned in the form in
    which they exist now. Then within attempts to freeze the conflict and notorious
    “truces”, tried to let off steam and to tighten time in attempts to
    achieve change of a situation to avoid ill-fated “fork” between war
    and capitulation. Than all this ended, it is known. Therefore, everyone can see
    in a situation on Donbass anything — both plums and progress forward because at
    the same time manage to build the state and to declare that it not the state,
    but certain areas as a part of Ukraine. In my opinion, that build the state
    there, as if hints, that if seriously were going to give, there just the
    opposite shouldn’t be built the state. I prefer to look not at words here, and
    at affairs. Affairs are that that Donbass continues “to sail” from
    Ukraine in uncertainty.

    Owing to the organization of process, the full-fledged states still should be
    constructed as that that is now, it substantially the ersatz which is carrying
    out the state functions there. It is still too weak fully to operate the
    republics, but we mean already enough that it could be pushed in structure of
    other state with impunity. Certainly, there is a position that if Kiev will
    agree to a number of conditions, it will be already other Ukraine (not
    national, but federalizirovanny) and there it is possible to push Donbass
    quietly. But it only the desirable. The reality such is, every day of the state
    construction in LNR (Lugansk), possibility of real return of Donbass to Ukraine
    in any kind, looks ischezayushche improbable.

    There is a mean joke “Donbass merged-merged, and it doesn’t merge”.
    Doesn’t merge because the world already changed and DNR with LNR already became
    a factor of new reality which can’t be cancelled on “click”.

    It is possible to close of course eyes and to pretend, what the republics of
    DNR and LNR aren’t present, and there are ugly abbreviations of special areas
    what is an insignificant trifle but when unrecognized state educations in
    recent years were insignificant? On the contrary, the most part of such
    educations, chances of which survival initially looked doubtfully, finally
    remained. Practice of existence of such educations shows that they are quite
    hardy in the context of those contradictions which provide their emergence.
    Respectively, if certain circumstances and contradictions lead to formation of
    such unrecognized states, without elimination of these circumstances and
    contradictions, it is extremely difficult to beat out from under such
    educations the actual bases the providing their creation and existence. DNR and
    LNR already have such bases. The terrible price is already paid for them:
    “Crisis in Ukraine: ways of recovery from the crisis” – http://russmir
    .info/eko/5559-krizis-na-ukraine-puti-vyhoda-iz-krizisa.html .

    In Washington and Kiev it is understood perfectly and therefore plans of Russia
    to include Donbass in structure of Ukraine for its reorganization in the
    Russian interests aren’t fated to come true as as it stands Donbass for Ukraine
    is already an alien element protivorechushchy essences of modern Ukraine in her
    aktualyykh political realities. Donbass can return to Ukraine only as the
    measured region. On such conditions, is more true without any conditions –
    Ukraine won’t receive Donbass also to it actually such anybody and doesn’t
    offer though just it from Russia is demanded by Obama. Therefore disagreeing
    with plans of Russia for rearrangement of Ukraine and at the same time
    understanding unwillingness of Russia to hand over all positions in Ukraine,
    Kiev can only — continue one war within which there will be a further
    delimitation of Donbass and Ukraine: ” Washington, London and Brussels
    decided to strike blow to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin” -http://ruskline.ru/special_opinion/vashington_london_i_bryussel_reshili_nanesti_udar_po_prezidentu_rossii_vladimiru_putinu/. Therefore I actually
    also don’t support the line that the republics hand over as the logic of war
    pushes them an opposite direction. Especially nobody can distinctly объяснить: -” well will hand
    over Donbass, what it for Russia will change?” That to hand over that
    further? Crimea? Caucasus? Kaliningrad? After all by the text opened already it
    is declared that the question not only in Donbass and will be further the
    Crimea. There is no practical sense to turn the front on Donbass to receive it
    in the Crimea, on the Recop. As there is also no practical opportunity to
    exchange Donbass for the Crimea:” Crimea: way home-3. Continuation of the
    complex analysis of a situation across the Crimea A.P. Sargsyana” – http://rusdozor.ru/2015/03/21/krym-put-na-rodinu-3-prodolzhenie-kompleksnogo-analiza-situacii-po-krymu-a-p-sargsyana/.

    Obama, Merkel and Hollande already clearly designated, the transaction on this
    occasion won’t be. To hand over Donbass to finish war, for a long time not
    option. It is possible either battle (one way or another), or to raise hands.
    Still Russia has no uniform center of planning and decision-making, fight of
    different Kremlin groups proceeds — one try to agree with Ukraine and to hand
    over Donbass (including

    provoking all sounded tendencies), others give to Donbass help and prepare for
    war. As for military operations on Donbass, despite constant “increase of
    degree” of a change didn’t happen yet. It is impossible to speak about
    continuation of “truce” because clashes (mainly near Mariupol and
    Donetsk) happen constantly, shellings of the cities increased (Gorlovka
    especially suffers), concentration of equipment and troops of the opponent
    doesn’t stop, moreover — the Ukrainian UAVs (Bespilotny flying devices)
    everywhere became more active, according to some information Ukrainians prepare
    fighting aircraft for offensive actions. Novorossiya’s militia since the
    beginning of month is up in arm. “A mass outcome” of the Russian
    volunteers (as write some) it isn’t observed, but tendencies to that are. It is
    connected with a number of bad news from DNR and in particular from LNR.
    Problems arise both at certain Russian volunteers, and at voluntary divisions —
    in particular at Yarosh’s “NBP members”. In one cases to divisions
    don’t allow to become stronger and expand (due to replenishments from the
    Russian Federation groups expand to a company, a battalion, but artificially
    squeeze it to a platoon, scattering fighters on other divisions), in other
    cases of people squeeze out, dismiss, and even “to the cellar” send
    (as now “NBP members”). I will tell frankly, on Donbass treat the
    Russian volunteers at least watchfully, owing to their bigger independence
    (and, as a result, not submission to control), than local. Not least it is connected
    with activity of some Moscow curators as we will tell Putin’s adviser – V.
    Surkaov. I can’t confirm, whether Surkov declined personally the leaders of the
    republics of Donetsk and Lugansk to repressions against the Russian volunteers
    (about what E.Limonov and B. Rozhin reported), but I know that
    “curators” in this direction work:” Geopolitical war for
    Ukraine: the Chinese trace” – http://www
    .narodsobor.ru/events/geopolitics/20629-araik-sargsyan-qgeopoliticheskaya-vojna-za-ukrainu-kitajskij-sledq#.VVdKtrntmko .

    I will separately specify, so it turned out not thanks to some to “cunning
    plans of Putin” as I don’t consider that everything developed as it was
    conceived, and it is rather because events on Donbass advanced and overturned
    analytical calculations and calculations. There is no blind belief, in that
    that “we will win despite everything” or desires to think up and
    justify next “the cunning plan of the Kremlin” about which hurry to
    tell all that it looked “even more cunning” and that the opponent
    thought up counteraction measures quicker. I look at logic of this war which
    already as became obviously many, won’t end soon (and it on the present is
    terrible when fully you realize similar prospects) and will have dalekoidushchy
    consequences not only for Donbass, but also for Russia. And if ahead of us
    waits for continuation of war and continuation let of clumsy, but the state
    construction on Donbass, about what Donbass as a part of Ukraine in general can
    there be a speech in foreseeable prospect?” – http://hayojax.am/hy/shows/yerkir-media-tv/yerkri-harc/8361/arayik-sargsyan-26062014.html .

    Arayik Sargsyan, the academician, the Honourable
    Consul of Macedonia in Armenia, the President of Academy of Geopolitics.


  2. Information about the state of Iraq’s oil sector .

    Arayik Sargsyan, Academician, President of the Geopolitical Academy, Honorary Consul of Macedonia to Armenia.

    Jordanian Minister of Energy A.Ensour (Ensour) at a meeting in Amman, January 9, 2014 with his colleague Abdurrahman Al – Luaybi (Luaibi) said that Jordan attaches great importance to accelerate the implementation of the project of construction of the main pipeline (ISPs ) for export Iraqi oil through Jordan .
    The parties discussed the stages of work performed and the discussion focused on the research and tenders, which must be held within the next few months .
    A.Ensour noted the possibility of private sector participation in the project , highlighting the possibility of extending the ISPs to Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea.
    Abdurrahman Al – Luaybi said the project would be economically beneficial for Iraq and Jordan , pointing to the possibility of establishing an oil refinery ( refinery) and thermal power plant (TPP) in the city of Aqaba, 330 kilometers south of the capital of Jordan.
    Iraq and Jordan have agreed to build a new MNP during the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al- Maliki in Jordan in December 2012…

    However , doing business in Iraq may prevent geopolitical games of the Royal House of Saud and Israel. Israeli officials have admitted trying to dismember Iraq and paralyze the activity of Baghdad in the Arab world and the region.
    The former head of Israel’s General Security Service ( Shin Bet ) Avi Dichter in his speech at the Center for Strategic Studies said that ” Israel’s strategic objective is not to give Iraq to play an active role at the regional level and in the Arab world that can threaten the security of Israel . ”
    Newspaper The Jerusalem Post citing Dichter writes that Israel supports the Iraqi Kurds to form an independent Kurdish state . Tel Aviv pursues this goal since the 1970s …http://vimeo.com/71881109


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