With all the DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) hires as being totally inept and incompetent, unable to complete even the most menial simple tasks due to having very low IQs, and unusually high levels of unwarranted arrogance looks like the title ‘Go Woke Go Up In Smoke’ is pretty apt.
I’ve seen the devastation firsthand.
These fires across our region have changed lives forever.
The days ahead will be challenging but we WILL get through this crisis, together.
Thank you to all the first responders who are working day and night doing everything possible to… pic.twitter.com/tMGmtaCRhn
— Mayor Karen Bass (@MayorOfLA) January 12, 2025
Who hired these dumb nincompoops? Who voted for these idiotic miscreants? Well you ain’t laughing now eh, how’s your smelt fish, empty LGBTQP fire hydrants, BLM DEI hire schlock going now as half the city of Los Angeles lays in smoke-filled ruins?
“You dumb idiots could screw up a cup of coffee. This Karen Bass moron is slow! She is most probably brain-dead or something, she don’t know what freaking day it is. You can set the jerk on fire, and she would not realise she was burning. Smile at me through the camera dumbo and tell me everything is okay whilst I lost my home, my pets, my insurance and everything I owned. You smile at me, I will puke on your lickspittle head, lunatic. What kind of sociopathic cretin smiles at people while they just had their lives destroyed because this mentally inadequate Mayor Karen Bass took away $17 million from the LAFD and was planning to take away $49 million from the LAFD budget before the fires struck. This dumb pea brain was warned by experts that the winds were serious, s’cuse me pea brains are more intelligent than this chub, but the dumb coward went to Ghana for a vacation. Why don’t you go to Ghana and stay there because you’re useless. I seen more use in a toilet brush than you. In fact, your hair looks like my toilet brush before it was burned down with the rest of my home. Hoof off from the bottom of my burned out black heart, you goddamn piece of useless garbage,” an angry Los Angeles resident ranted on Monday.
It may be a good idea to bring back merit for employment in high ranking, important jobs. The Democrats need to consider this, especially when people’s lives are on the line. Go woke go up in smoke, the L.A. fires are testament to this very dictum. If Californians don’t force the likes of Karen Bass to resign in disgrace, they have their own doom and destruction on their own heads. No one should ever take Californian democrats or their voters seriously ever again, in fact, maybe they deserve to burn.
Now does it all make sense?
If this is true – it’s time for Karen to be investigated – Was this all a plan to let LA burn? pic.twitter.com/65EOq7jP40
— BelannF (@BelannF) January 9, 2025
She is so creepy she makes my skin literally crawl euch!!!!
That video must be a parody or is it AI created? No way is that real.