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HomeWorldPR Agents Upping Their Prices to Work With Sussexes

PR Agents Upping Their Prices to Work With Sussexes

LOS ANGELES - USA - Because of the difficulty of working with the Sussexes and their pariah status, PR agents are increasing their charges.

For any solid momentum in any campaign, one has to continue adding to the mix, and the same goes for PR. In other words, one needs very deep pockets and a seemingly unlimited amount of ready cash. In the case of the Sussexes, their massive efforts to undergo vast PR campaigns to supersede the Windsors is impoverishing them. Public Relations — at least quality PR — costs a lot, and if you add that cost onto high-end personal security officers, and things like private jet travel, money disappears at a rapid rate. Additionally, if a client is a known liability, like the Sussexes are, you can guess what happens there — the prices rise way above the premium level.

Feeling the pinch

It is a certainty that money is being sucked out of the bank accounts of Harry at a rapid rate and disproportional level to money coming in. One only mentions Harry in this respect because Meghan is holding on to her money as much as possible, and makes a point of never paying for anything in the marriage.

When the Sussexes do go under, she will thus have some money and power to manoeuvre around, especially during divorce proceedings. As every good narcissist and grifter, Meghan has an exit plan, and Harry running on empty is a definite trigger for her to commence divorcing the ginger. She has the title now, so that and the children is all she needs to finish off her master plan. The marriage will thus be one she billed by the hour from day one, handing over the bill to Harry, along with vast cash demands once the ‘irreconcilable differences’ settle. Meghan will also need reserves for a damn good lawyer or team to extract as much from the royal mark.

Luckily for Harry, that time of divorce and separation has not arrived yet, but it’s getting close, because the money is running out, and the seeming pariah status of the Sussexes is eating into their opportunities for lucrative deals in the media. Bashing Charles and the royal family is something that is financially rewarding, but because two prominent members have the Big C, the Sussexes are being urged to hold back by their PR agents causing monetary loss because attacking the royals was their primary source of income.

Whatever happens, Harry will turn out to be the ultimate loser in this one.

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  1. According to H+M they were forced to leave the UK because of too much press attention. Funny how they can’t get enough in the US. Hypocrits.

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