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HomeMost PopularLabour Plan to Have Speakers and Listening Devices on Every Lamp Post

Labour Plan to Have Speakers and Listening Devices on Every Lamp Post

LONDON - England - In a new manifesto pledge, the incoming Labour Party plan to have speakers and listening devices on every UK street.

The public will be lectured on “motivational” socialist principles, and Labour diktats every day of their lives, a newly published manifesto paper has revealed. Speakers and microphones will be installed in every lamp post in the UK proposed by the innovative Labour plan.

Much like the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan’s pet surveillance project, ULEZ, where every vehicle is tracked and charged in London, the proposed Labour “Listen and Speak” scheme will ensure that citizens are daily indoctrinated in soviet ideology and microphones will listen for any form of dissent against the ruling regime once it gains power in the coming election.

The Labour surveillance project is touted as “ensuring the safety of every citizen in the UK”.


Upon hearing of the Labour plans, one citizen voiced his distaste of such a scheme coming into fruition.

“If I want to live in fucking North Korea, I’ll go and live there. Imagine walking down the street and being forced to listen to the irritating nasal droning from Comrade Starmer every fucking day of your life, listening to his awful grinding punishing nasal voice telling you how to think, what to do, where to go, I’d fucking top myself.”

Along with daily lectures on the greatness of Labour socialist schemes, citizens will be indoctrinated in EU values and other communist rhetoric.

If people are seen to be wearing headphones whilst walking in the streets, they will be told to take the device off from their heads, or if they are Bluetooth headphones, the Labour “Listen and Speak” system will hijack the Bluetooth headphones to force the citizen to listen to the latest soviet Labour messages being broadcast.


Along with speakers installed on every lamp post, the Labour plan is to also install powerful microphones that will monitor each citizen’s speech. The listening devices will be powered by AI and will alert the Labour Stasi authorities if any citizen speaks adversely about the Labour regime at any time or says any word that is forbidden by woke programmers who have infiltrated the English language.

“If someone says any forbidden words or speaks badly about the Labour soviet system, the AI system will identify the offender, who will then be removed from their home in the early hours of the morning. These offending individuals will then be sent to an EU sanctioned re-education centre and reprogrammed to love the Labour EU State.,” a jubilant Labour spokesman revealed on Thursday.

Comrade Starmer pronounced the scheme as a measure to “safeguard and ensure the safety of every British citizen” and a way to uphold “the beloved EU rules which Labour is dedicated to rejoining”.

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  1. I voted Labour in this election but if I had read this sooner I would not of voted for them. Bl**dy hell this is scary.

  2. All you idiots moaning and groaning about it on here. Arm chair generals all of youse. If you truly cared you would not have voted for Labour and you would do something about it. Loosers!!!!

  3. Most peoples convos are useless bollocks. If the Big Brother wants to listen in good luck to em.

  4. My mate says that they will prolly roll it out in London first then expand to the rest of country if successful. Maybe we could vandalise these poles like they do to the ULEZ Sadiq Khan cameras.

  5. This is no joke it is set to happen. People are voting for their own loss of privacy and a police state that’s what labour plans all along and if I could do something about it like stop ppl voting labour I would of but I can’t see the lemmings changing there minds.

  6. Labour is basically Britains commie party and they would do this in a heartbeat. They would say it is for our own security but its all about total control..lol


  8. Это невероятно, я думал, что мы были плохими в России при советских режимах прошлого, но теперь британцы перенимают наши старые методы. Разве Британии не суждено быть демократической либеральной страной?

  9. Can they be hacked? If so this is a grave danger to everyone because anyone can hack them and use them for ill.

  10. Я думал о переезде в Великобританию, но теперь не буду. Лучше жить где-нибудь более свободно.

  11. Labour are essentially communist yet people will vote for them because they don’t understand what communism is or entails. These low information voters are the biggest danger to democracy that ever existed.

  12. I’m still going to vote for Labour despite this surveillance because anything is better than the Tory scum.

  13. Blair introduced hundreds thousands CCTV when he ruled the roost now when Labour comes in it will be these listening posts and speakers. George Orwell was right all along.

  14. I voted Labour all my life and even campaigned for them in Salford. If they bring in this monstrosity I’m not voting for the, Even talking about it is disgusting what about our right to privacy? might as well stay home and do nothing.

  15. Surely this is a misunderstanding noone would be stupid enough to do this to their citizens. Is this how Labour plans on being elected?

  16. You would have to be insane to vote for any of them. I’m staying at home. Labour will win this but not off my vote.

  17. When Labour wins the election because millions of clueless wankers and sh-tstains voted for them we will ll have to live in perepetual nightmare.

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