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HomeWorldBREXIT DAY - When Britain Began Getting Its Bollocks Back

BREXIT DAY – When Britain Began Getting Its Bollocks Back

LONDON - England - Brexit Day hails the beginning of the final process to leave the EU, and reclaim Britain's sovereignty once again after a long hard fought battle.

For hundreds of years, Britain governed itself without the EU, and today is the beginning of the process of Brexit we have been waiting for four long years since the EU Referendum result of 2016 with a resounding, profound, rewarding — Brexit Day. Britain will once again choose its own destiny, govern itself, make its own laws, control its own borders and trade deals — things that were forbidden under the totalitarian EU pseudo-communist state run by faceless unelected EU Commission bureaucrats.

Britain never signed up for a dictating super state modelled on the USSR, but joined the EEC in 1973 simply as an easy way to trade with Europe. Over the years, the EU turned into a bureaucratic dystopian nightmare dictating body with its multitude of institutional tentacles controlling everything from our laws to the size of our pillows or length of our toothbrushes. EU regulations stifled our farmers to favour the continent, and forbade us from making our own trade deals with other nations.

“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.”

― Jean Monnet (Architect of the European Union project) Vaclav Klaus in the book ‘Europe: The Shattering of Illusions’

The corrupt treasonous pedo, Ted Heath who was paid £1.5 million by the EU prior to signing away Britain’s sovereignty in 1973, will today be turning in his grave as Britain leaves the EU.

The EU’s Schengen zone is an area open from the Greek and Italian beaches where daily thousands of economic migrants come from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East and all over the world. Gun running, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and terrorism has flourished in the EU’s Schengen zone. Furthermore, without the control of our borders, Britain was daily flooded with low-skilled migrants, and criminals from the former soviet East European countries, where these people, from some of the poorest nations took advantage of the NHS rendering it almost useless with the sheer volume of people using it for free, and our schools, benefits system, roads, towns, cities overwhelmed with the sudden massive unfettered population increase demanded by the EU. The damage to British society and its infrastructure may take many decades to fix.

Gorbachev eu soviet

Nearly four years after the EU Referendum, many tried to stop Brexit and deny democracy, today will be a day of Brexit finally beginning, and this process, as in all change, will not be easy but it should bring a new vigour and optimism to Britain once again.

The huge amounts of British taxpayer money that will now NOT be sent into the EU budget black hole will be a vast positive for Britain as we will now be able to spend the money on ourselves and not prop up profligate EU countries like debt-ridden Greece.

The amount of obstacles put in front of democracy by the controlling establishment to try to thwart the EU Referendum result was staggering since 2015 when the campaign of PROJECT FEAR started. The apocalyptic predictions of mass economic collapse, and hysterical lies that were pushed out to scare people to not vote to leave were testament to how duplicitous and nasty the EU controlled establishment were to get. The multiple legal battles led by Soros Open Society funded Gina Singh (Miller) from Guyana, and the false lies peddled by the Project Fear mongers was testament to how important democracy is in Britain. Democracy won in the end despite these corrupt treasonous vagabonds and their treachery to try to stop democracy.

.There is also a note of sadness on Brexit Day, as we leave the EU institutions and their ghastly controls, those European nations that have been left behind stuck in the EU will now be forced into further integration into the super state and forced to join the emerging EU Army, a military entity that will pose a direct threat to Russia, and may be the cause of the next European conflict that will once again bring more misery and pain to the continent.

The Europeans are a wonderful people who have been fooled into joining this sovietized EU behemoth, and as the UK woke up from its hypnotic stupor, maybe one day the others will realise how they were fooled as well, and have the courage to leave their enslaved EU imprisonment.

Jean Claude Juncker quotes

juncker projectile vomit
Laissez-le sortir..

On British calls for a referendum over Lisbon Treaty

“Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?,”

On French referendum over EU constitution

“If it’s a Yes, we will say ‘on we go’, and if it’s a No we will say ‘we continue’,”

On the introduction of the euro

“We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.”

boris johnson number 10 downing street

Never give up, Never surrender!

The Daily Squib has been at the forefront of the Brexit war, we want to thank our readers especially as we fought for the EU Referendum tooth and nail working directly with the Vote Leave team, and fought the Remainer anti-democratic saboteurs to finally get to this stage after four long years. The fight is not over though, there will be much work to be done, and then some in the future. Brexit is just beginning now.

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