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HomeWorldTrayvon Zimmerman: American Justice Resolved By Public Pressure

Trayvon Zimmerman: American Justice Resolved By Public Pressure

SANFORD - USA - Serious riots were averted yesterday by public prosecutors in the Trayvon Zimmerman case when they decided to prosecute the neigbourhood watchman with second-degree murder.

“It was either mass riots across America and possibly civil war, or putting the guy in prison for thirty odd years. We chose the latter and now we can all rest easy,” public prosecutor, Angela Corey, told an impromptu press conference.

In a great blow for the US justice system, it seems that public pressure and petitions by angry members of the African American community swayed the public prosecutor, Angela Corey, to accept any demands thrown at her in order to avert anymore threats of violence through mass rioting.

George Zimmerman, 28, who was recorded screaming as he was attacked by Trayvon Martin, cited self-defence utilising Florida’s ‘Stand your ground’ law. For doing his job and adhering to the law, he will now go to prison for the rest of his life.

“We had to appease the African Americans. It was either that or indiscriminate violence against white people. We’re actually scared of these people and will do anything they want, including putting them in jobs using racial quotas even though the people employed are probably not qualified to do the job. Try firing one of them! It ain’t ever going to happen,” a scared white man told Fox News before being arrested for speaking up.

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  1. Everything is true in this article it's because they didn't want a riot. That's the only reason they're going to take this hispanic dude down. If they just left it there would have been riots. it's ok when blacks shoot whites and noone says shit.

  2. This is blatantly biased reporting:
    How do you know whether it was Zimmerman or Martin that was screaming? A court has not yet decided.
    According to the Squib – Zimmerman was 'doing his duty' or was he allegedly marauding the streets armed with a lethal weapon'?
    'We had to appease the African Americans 'said the white guy, or should it read 'give one of them a fair shot at justice'?
    Why report what the 'scared' white guy said? It was unreasonable enough to get him arrested.
    This white lady doesn't like your reporting style.
    Let the courts decide (at last)!!!

  3. This is being blown way out of proportion for what it is. I think not only are the feds staging it, they are lovingly creating a race-war! Why? Because when communities begin to burn and there is record violence it's an excuse to crack down on the public and take away more of our rights. In that sense, forget race altogether when it's a trap. Also, tell me why it is when a anyone else of a different race gets beat up, mugged or killed it's never mentioned, but in the case of Trayvon Martin, the main stream media hypes it to get the African American community going on a personal vendetta towards anyone that isn't black. Has anyone considered that Trayvon may have had a dark side to him which his parents didn't know about? When Hollywood sells garbage to the African American community that this behavior is acceptable or fashionable, are even surprised?

    Tell me why the federal government is trying to pass laws against hate speech and bullying when it comes to "patriots" who stand up for our civil rights, and call them racist, delete videos off of YouTube that expose legitimate corruption, but then allow material such as this to remain and be tolerated when it is calling for violence:


    Do you suppose it's staged? Must we even question what is so blatantly obvious? Anyone else who would have put a message out like that, would be arrested promptly.

    As a past victim of a robbery who had guns placed to my head when I was just standing outside a friends having a smoke, the way I see it, regardless of your racial views, I think Hernandez had every right to defend himself. You cannot rely on law enforcement to help you, and this is why we have a 2nd amendment. In my case, I was lucky, thanks to god. However, the psychological damage that the experience will do to someone will make them reluctant to view the opposite race as trustworthy, especially when they are dressed like a hood-rat.

    I got called to jury service some time afterward for a case that was to be for a homicide committed by two black men (towards another black man) and I flat out told the judge I couldn't serve on the jury as I felt my judgement would have been biased due to what happened to me. Needless to say, It has taken years to get it out of my head that it was just one experience, but it did forever change my views. Had I owned a gun at the time and had it with me, I can't say how I would have reacted knowing my own life was in danger. Back then, I also lived in Florida and unfortunately the guys were black and so you wonder how or why this image is painted. The perpetrators were eventually caught by law enforcement, but let go and never charged with anything. This is the way law enforcement works folks. Regardless of what happened to me years ago, the point is I never called for vengeance or a race war. If my brains were blown out would I have recieved comments my George Bush at the time? Would the FEDERAL Department of Justice have investigated? Would MSM have created a hype? No. So this whole thing with the shooting of Trayvon Martin by Hernandez has been blown out of proportion when it's so clear all he was doing was exercising his right to self-defense. That's all it is regardless of your skin color!

    Now, can we move on to issues that are really important with this country right now instead of being led astray by ridiculous distractions?

  4. The whole situation is fucked-up. Guess what? Black people are sometimes not perfect! The pendulum has swung too far the other way.

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