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Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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HomeWorldSwitzerland Suspends Application to Join EU

Switzerland Suspends Application to Join EU

GENEVA - Switzerland - The Swiss people are behind Britain's Brexit contingent and understand full well how the EU has a detrimental effect on sovereignty, trade and industry.

For years Switzerland has had a request pending to join the Union. But today the country quietly let that application lapse. Its citizens can all see for themselves one of the differences between being in the EU or being outside it. Switzerland is prospering out of the EU, and will never join the corruption laden greedy institution.

Today Switzerland is stronger and freer as a result of being outside, rather than inside the EU. Independence and non-bureaucratic flexibility is an important part of the Swiss success.

“This is a clear and historical message from the Swiss parliament to British voters. We wish you the best of luck for Brexit. These days, Switzerland is called Britzerland because Swiss people support the Brexit”, said MP Lukas Reimann.

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