Imagine having all those years of training and high-end programming only to be owned by a Kardashian. It’s sad to see such a waste of AI intellect farmed out to Kim Kardashian, a woman with a gargantuan grotesque plastic ass that resembles a baboon’s and an IQ probably lower than a primate, or a fucking rock. Kim will naturally be disappointed the robot does not come with a 15″ black cock, because that’s the only type she likes, or fits. After she’s done with it, the robot’s IQ will be -100, and will walk with a limp.
Give it a week or so she will get bored of it and put it in the cupboard.
Can you imagine the cum stains and fluids that thing would accumulate everyday in the service of the Kardashians?
She can stick a vibro with some sellotape on it tho and instruct it to go back and forward using its hips?