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HomeWorldPistorius Shot Ghost of Reeva Steenkamp House Servant Reveals

Pistorius Shot Ghost of Reeva Steenkamp House Servant Reveals

PRETORIA - South Africa - Oscar Pistorius, the 'blade runner' athlete is in trouble once again with the South African authorities after he shot six holes into his new home's wall when he saw the ghost of his ex-girlfriend the other night.

Mamuso Mnopo, 34, Pistorius’ housekeeper ran from the property in terror when she heard the gunshots.

“I was cleaning the floor when I looked up and saw Pistorius talking to this beautiful white figure, all he kept on saying was ‘Why don’t you just die!’ over and over again. He then grabbed his pistol and shot like a wild man at the ghost. I’m not sure if I heard the ghost laughing as the bullets passed through it. I just ran out of there, oh my god!” Mnopo recalled to reporters on Sunday.

Mrs Mnopo is currently receiving counselling and is not planning on going back to her previous employer.

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