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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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HomeWorldWelcome to the United Kingdom of Romania and Bulgaria

Welcome to the United Kingdom of Romania and Bulgaria

DOVER - England - David Cameron has welcomed 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians to their new home today.

Prime minister of the UKRB, David Cameron has welcomed 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians at the nation’s ports of entry today.

Touring the country’s airports and coastal ports, PM David Cameron welcomed millions of his countrymen into the United Kingdom of Romania and Bulgaria.

“We’re all one big happy family now. This is your home now and you can treat it exactly like that. We welcome you to your own country, the UKRB. What is ours is yours, please come and take what you want.” David Cameron said from Dover.

“Big Issue, Big Issue,” a happy welcome to you all.

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  1. I’ve heard that there is a big shortage of “Big Issue” vendors in the …UKRB.
    Anyway, my guess is that the Queen is happy that she will rule over 29 millions new subjects. And this without a shot fired.

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