It’s NOT a Brexit, so we will not call it one. What Theresa May is touting is a total surrender to the EU, and she wants us to pay £39 billion of taxpayers money for the pleasure.
We need urgency right now. This is no time to mince about and twiddle thumbs, or to think about it, we need action right now.
The Conservative MPs who are enabling Theresa May in her surrender betrayal are disgusting sycophants and remainers.
The others currently in the Cabinet must seriously think about what they are doing. They are enabling a surrender to the EU proposed by Michel Barnier and Theresa May. If you do not find the right path and resign from May’s Cabinet, you are complicit in her treachery.
Conservative MPs must back the no confidence vote, because Theresa May is the problem,
and if she does not go, and go soon, there will be more turmoil for many years to come. Her proposal will condemn Britain to thirty years of riots and political turmoil, with no one ever trusting the Tories ever again.
If you are a Conservative MP, you are implored to do the right thing and support May’s ousting. For the good of the country and its future, it is imperative that she is either made to resign or forcibly resigned from her post.
There is no hope for Theresa May, and we have asserted numerous times that she is the Chequers deal and it is her, but no one listened then, even though MPs are waking up now to her complicit methods of pushing her surrender through parliament.
This is an emergency, and MPs must act now, decisively with haste, but it must be measured haste of course, as timing counts as well. There is no way that something as bad as this deal should ever be allowed anywhere near a signature. Time is running out. Please read this and act now. For the good of the country, you can make a difference in parliament if you are a Conservative MP who cares about their country.
Please spread these words far and wide, as every tick of the clock is a moment lost in action to save the nation. Write to your MP, call their offices, go and see them at your constituency surgeries. DO IT!
UPDATE 17/11/18: There is news that some action is being taken, but whether it will come to anything positive is another story.
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