You want the stats, the evidence, the real deal, here is a woman who had severe pneumonia which frickin’ kills people campaigning, doing tours, doing speeches.
If that ain’t a show of strength what the hell is there? Hillary Clinton kept on going even though she was severely sick, and this is the test of true presidential grit and determination.
If Trump stubs his toe, or even catches a cold he’s out for the count. Hillary is the real mettle, the real deal and she needs to be applauded for her dedication to office and the United States of America.
You want an adult or a kid as president? Because voting for Trump will get you an irrational psychotic 11-year-old girl as president, but voting for Hillary will get you an adult, who knows how things work, and knows what needs to be done in a cool calculated manner without creating mayhem and total chaos.
You want to live vote Hillary. You want to die vote Trump. He’ll send your kids over to the Middle East to get their legs blown off. That’s guaranteed.