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HomeWorldObama Being Groomed to be Fall Guy President

Obama Being Groomed to be Fall Guy President

HONOLULU - Hawaii - Barack Obama is being groomed to be the first black President of the United States of America. He is being instated to take the fall for George W Bush's disastrous tenure as President.

American Election Race Special

Barack Obama is set to be the first black (African American) President of the United States
of America and ‘fall guy’ for the many years of destruction committed
by George W Bush and his cronies on the US Constitution, economy, US
world standing and internal affairs.

“George W Bush has ruined
America and his perpetual wars of terror on the rest of the world have
caused irreparable damage that may never be fixed – that’s why we’re
bringing in the boy to take the fall,” a representative from the
Pentagon told Fox News on Friday.

The American people who
have large daily doses of intense fear pumped into their homes
constantly via the Fox News Network of Terror and Propaganda are all backing Obama 110%.

House Ni**er

Secretary of State, House Ni**er and Uncle T*m, Colin Powell was on
hand to support Obama last week with a public endorsement. Powell was mostly noted for his role in
being told to lie by his keepers to the UN about Saddam’s WMD program
which was supposedly ‘capable’ of attacking the western world in 15


Rice is another prime example of a master’s puppet. Her holders have given
her leave to buy expensive shoes and have meetings to discuss further
meetings for more meetings where she can act like she “knows shit like
her massa.”

Shaquanda Wendell, a 39 year old housewife from Philadelphia, makes a valid point about how she views the Secretary of State. “Someone
needs to find Condi a man or something, she be going round and causing
the death of millions of people in the world because she don’t have a
man and is angry and shit. There must be a man somewhere that can
please her and stop her wanting to destroy the planet. Is there a man
out there who can be with Condi so we can all live in peace? ”

What Shaquanda probably does not realise is that no man can take the place of what Ms Rice really wants.

Taking the Fall

“If we
need someone to take the fall because of our illicit profiteering, greed,
lies, illegal unconstitutional practices, torture and corruption we put
one of them
in charge for awhile. Do you even think for one second we would ever let a black become president in a normal climate, hell no! This guy is going to get everything thrown at him,” John Thompson, a senior GOP representative, was
quoted as saying from the Wyoming Republican caucuses this week.

McCain’s campaign office has already released details of their impending loss,
the Republicans want Obama to win because they know he has no chance of
cleaning up the George W Bush mess. The predominantly white Republicans
will then simply blame the ‘black man’ for a poor job done, something
they have been doing for many years.

George W Bush leaves office, he will be hailed a hero by the American
people and Republican guard. Obama will then be placed into office to
take the can for ‘dubya’s’ horrific mistakes. We don’t want any part of
this mess and we will allow the black guy to take the heat and be back
for the 2012 election with Sarah Palin. That is if America is still
around by then,” Mr Thompson added.

Republicans do not want the post-Bush presidency. They know what George
W Bush has done, they know that the damage will take many years to
recover from.

Bush Legacy

What kind of a situation would ‘fall guy’ Barack Obama inherit?

A $28.8 TRILLION price tag for the disastrous Iraq/Afghanistan imbroglio with no end
in sight, a $9.7
TRILLION national debt, increasing
unemployment, a sub-prime mortgage fiasco that has destabilised the
world’s economy, a damaged US worldwide standing, a weak currency,
perpetual US made wars with no exit strategies, monstrous trade deficit of
$740 TRILLION and
infrastructure buckling under the strain of incompetence and waste,
60,000 US soldiers injured and over 5,000 reported deaths in Iraq alone, energy shortages, a
destabilised Middle East with millions of innocent civilian deaths and
displaced peoples, US foreign policy that has brought the world to the
brink of WW III.

What better scapegoat to complement these elements of imminent destruction? Enter Barack Obama.

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  1. To Joe the Plumer

    I’m black and I hate Obama, he working against us and talks down to us

    He’s a traitor to our peoples and if you got some sense you would see that

  2. McCain is an old fart he ain’t going to win anything apart from a new set of depends. Obama got this one in the bag!!!!!!!!!

  3. everyone knows mccain going to win this thing. Gimme a break people ya really think they gonna allow a nigga to be prez?

    As for the stupid ass replies on here, your all retarded

  4. Wen Obama win its gon B pay back time for all yall whiteys!!! No more cotton picking, were in charge now bitchez!!! Its PYBACK time n yall blieve it!!! We nevah forgets wot u did to us!!!! Bring on da riots if he loses tho!!!

  5. Obama is endorsed by the KKK, NOW I WANT TO KNOW WHAT Y’ALL GOING 2 DO BOUT THAT? HUH? They want him 2 win for some reason wonder what that can be? Think about it folks!!!!

  6. To SOULD OUT,

    Obama is An American Hero! I think you are the insult to REAL AFRICAN AMERICANS, and in fact to any amrican. America is the land of imigrants, and it does not matter if you where slave or not. Obama has said it hundred of times that he DOES NOT represent the BLACKS only. He represents all americans.

  7. Obama is an insult to REAL African Americans. And by that I mean those who can trace their ancestry back 400 years to the slaves who helped build this nation, and who have a genuine claim to being co-owners of this country along with the descendants of those Whites who founded it.

  8. don’t do it man, Barack if you read this don’t do it brother..stay with yo peoples son..don’t be messin wit da crackers and their lies…

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