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HomeMost PopularNostradamus Obama Prophecies Revealed

Nostradamus Obama Prophecies Revealed

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Scholars for the Smithsonian Institute have uncovered new interpretations that may relate to Barack Obama, the Illinois senator vying to become the next US president.


Professor Eugene Randell, Deputy Director of the Smithsonian Institution Archives has released information pertaining to the up and coming US elections.

The Institute which holds some very rare Nostradamus manuscripts, believes that some of the quatrains written by the 16th century soothsayer are very close to describing the fight for the White House that is happening now.

“We have the only existing fourth edition of Nostradamus’ book Les Propheties (The Prophecies). There were thought to be only three editions published in 1558, this new edition is from 1559 and includes 20 more quatrains which have never been revealed before — that is, until now,” Professor Randell said from the archive office on Tuesday.

Nostradamus has been credited with predicting numerous events in world history, from the Great Fire of London,  the rise of Napoleon I of France, the French Revolution and Adolf Hitler, to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

The professor told the Daily Squib that it is well known that some of the quatrains are open to interpretation however what he has translated from the previously unreleased manuscript will certainly “ruffle a few feathers”.

The great empire will be torn from limb,
The all-powerful one for more than four hundred years:
Great power given to the dark one from slaves come,
The Aryana will not be satisfied thereby.

Nostradamuspreviously unreleased quatrains are a heavily guarded secret and the scholars have broken with tradition to reveal a few tidbits in the Smithsonian’s monthly circular.

We leave it to our esteemed readers to make up their own minds. However, it seems that with the release of the new quatrains the race for the White House may have been already written about many centuries ago.

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  1. we know the world is always changing from the birth of our planet and it will keep on changing thats a fact it has nothing to do with religion humans have been around for a short time in earths history but life will continu even if humans vanish that is just the way it is enjoy life for the sake of life

  2. Everyone knows slaves came from Africa. Where was Obama born, if I were a betting person, I would guess Africa. His father lived there and was in his life till he was 2 years old. Hello people, this explains the birth certificate issue. His father is an atheist according to Obama's own words. How many little boys want to grow up to be like their fathers? I would say pretty close to 80%. How many promises has Obama kept and not kept? I guarantee the amount he hasn't kept out ways the one's he has kept. If one reads Revelations in the bible it explains what Obama is doing to Jerusalem right now. Read the bible if you don't believe Nostradamus theories. I hear the movie 2016 is pretty interesting but I have not seen it yet..

  3. Hmmm, it seems that people who subscribe to nonsensical propaganda such as this will be the end of themselves. You won't need to look to anyone else to do it for you, or anyone else to tell you when or how it will happen. Prophets make sometimes vaguely accurate predictions years in to the future because human nature is predictable and cyclical. I realize that a concept such as cognitive reasoning may be a smidgeon much to ask from those who delve into these irrational doomsday warnings… so I won't ask it of you. However I will make a prediction of my own: those who wait for the end of days to arrive on a scheduled date, at the hands of a scapegoat who is trying to help you, will find absurd disappointment when it never arrives.

  4. First of all, the predictions might refer to Obama. Firstly, America has been considered one of the greatest empires in the world, and Black Americans were considered as slaves during the early times. Obama was black and the white ones think of him as one from the slave level. On the other hand, fear not. While Obama can predict the happenings, the Lord is the Only One who knows when the world will end. From the perspective of a keen observer of nature, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and other calamities are expected to come in these years because we are constantly destroying Mother Nature which results to global warming. Global warming can cause tsunamis, earthquakes, floods due to the melting of the Antarctic Ocean, deaths of fishes because coral reefs are slowly destroyed due to the enormous heat in the ocean bed and many more. Can't you see? Technology and non-stop curiosity of the people to give lives to the dead and to make rain from hot clouds or let me just put it, to create a happening that only God could have made, all lead to the death of the balance of Earth. Man, the most-loved, yet the most traitor creature of God, is the one calling for his downfall. But, these should not be feared. Mother Mary, in all her apparitions, promised to never fail from praying the Holy Rosary and she will save us from any calamity that will fall upon us. Again, Jesus, the Lord himself, know nothing of the end of the world, not even Nostradamus or anyone of us. The end of the world just comes when we stop believing that Christ, along with the intercession of Mother Mary, is the one who can save from us from an eternity in hell, and that Satan does exist, trying to lure us into his ways. Let's just all pray together. For those anti-Christ or those who have no religion, pray that you may not be deceived from worldly ways, too.

  5. Bush pulled us apart not Obama have we forgotten what Busch and his father did to our country? SO blame them Busch not Obama he has to help and things are tied up for several years when you enter the white house,there is only so much you can do from someone else bull crap ………….

  6. — The great empire will be torn from limb,The all-powerful one for more than four hundred years:

    (That can only be Britain – being a powerful empire for 400 years it gets destroyed)

    — Great power given to the dark one from slaves come,

    (Obama was not born from slaves and he does not hate Britain)

    — The Aryana will not be satisfied thereby.

    (Aryana is a Persian name. This 'dark one' does something to upset Iran/Middle East)

  7. Nostradamus saw that past 500 years. Slavery would be part of that. Blacks were brought here for slaves, and that in itself was majorly screwed up but blacks were also the ones who got this man elected, because they wanted to see a president that was not a white man. He was only voted in for the way he looks, and not the thoughts he has.

  8. President Barack Obama is not born of slaves. So this may be an upcoming event not referring to Pres. Obama.

  9. READ YOUR BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For goodness sake………….So many stupid people…..Oh, that's right not many believe in any God that's why this Country is the MESS IT IS! Sure try to take God out of this country, our Forefathers believed in God and for goodness sake WE here have the FREEDOM of Praying how we wish! Stop! being so igorant and learn something for goodness sake. Try reading on history! or better YET pick up the Lord's Book! "THE BIBLE"!
    All I know is one thing? Obama has been the worst President and has not done a damn thing but RUN UP THE DEBT for starters!!!!!!!!! If no one can see this they you should NOT VOTE! AMEN!

  10. If anyone is to be judged as possibly being the anti Christ,
    one must ask these questions: Is what this man says, or
    does an anti Christian trend? Is what a man does is in a
    direct conflict with the Constitution? Are his own words in
    conflict with the good of the people? Do his actions lead
    to free agency, or do they take away human rights? Are
    promises unkept and turning into lies? Obama is the well
    qualified possible anti Christ. he is the most powerful man
    on Earth. Satan would want him in that position.

  11. I will pedict the future for you all in the same way Nostradamus :

    And they saw grate fools rise from there shelters of rock stone and wood on the twelfth moons 21st day the lamented the lack of death.

  12. obama is america's enemy. He hate you; everything he says, he mean the opposite. You have voted satan into power. America wake up!


    • Ummm….nearly all Nostradamus scholars believe that MABUS is a coded word that means “Master/Teacher” and the quatraines are written in French. I must say….95% of the comments on here are LOL totally ridiculous. Any educated person can easily debunked all of those silly thoughts on here. Too many to count. Obama the antichrist….c’mon people knock it off. LOLOL Its like every president is cast as the antichrist over 200 years LOL whatever. The antichrist is far more likely to be a Master deceiver that represents the radical Islamic movement who desires to elinate Jews and Christians over the next 30 to 40 years by terrorizing the world….and, by the way, I akin to radical Christians like on here LOLOL silly group of bastardized retards, every one.

  14. I know for certain hat the Nostradamus prophecy about Obama Mabus are true. People, look at what he has done to OUR NATION! Look at how we are pulled apart he is not a unitor but a dividor he does not want peace he wants war. Noone knows where he came from, he just appeared for the presidency, I watch politics pretty close and I never heard of him. His color ddon't mean a thing, this person is evil and when he smiles I know he is not real smiling. WAKE UP FRIENDS FELLOW AMERICANS !!! Prepare for civil war again, start farming get some weapons, be sustainable for yourself and your family. Things are going to get WORSE not BETTER. Obama's people will come and get you sooner theyre brainwashed and they will say its for the beter but they will taser you or worse shoot you if you do not go to the FEMA camps. It will be for your own good they will say and many people who are starving will agree in fact they will beg to go to the FEMA camps. Thats when you will find out the TRUTH!!!!! God help us all. We have been sold. God bless America or what it used to be I love my country even though it is now gone!!!!!!!!

  15. You people that think BLACKS are slave you are all complete IDIOT. A slave ruling over you in your own land… You better stop chasing shadows and face reality.

  16. About 15 years ago in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, for $8 US dollars i purchased a 1948 copyright of the Prophecies of Nostradamus by Henry Roberts the first to do the Prognostications Translation. It's french on the left side & english righthand side, Mr. Roberts' siblings have re-copyrighted His Literary~Works, MOST fascinating is that ( Lunatic ) Pastor Harry Walther with http://www.satansrapture.com 2 Rapture's & #1 Satan is coming in a Spaceship, later in this black background scroll of FLASHING green\\red\\yellow text is President Obama as Mabus according to Nostradamus or His ILLEGAL CLONE on Facebook as Michel Nostradam, seems No one knows what He really looked like.
    Thanku All For(te') Your Time,

  17. I don't know why people are so ignorant…….Nostradamus never predicted the world was going to end 2012…why r people deceiving themselves?

  18. are you serious..?? are you on drugs?? great and smart do not apply to this man…manipulative, sneaky, and lying do


  19. because you no nothing of our government and politics!…. hes a terrible president. His policies and decisions are just dumb….i cant believe people are saying hes so great, none of you must follow politics well…. and politics are far from just watching our GOVERNMENT DICTATED NEWS.(<open googleable fact btw)… i understand we don't have many options to vote on, either old, rich, greedy, men who know nothing of the common folk. or old, crazy, radical men that still no nothing of our common folk…. and all they care about is taking our taxes and pocketing them, or giving them to terrorist, because we support terrorist for some reason…. or just spend it researching jello fights and drunk ants (literally, we spend millions every year on that, even with obama!!!, on dumb pointless research that only exist to pay off politicians and other government ran foundations)… America is just a bunch of spoiled brats… a bunch of kardashian slut worshiping wanna bes that dont even care about anything but themselves… there like "ohh poor starving Africans, and poor homeless puppies," but they just say that cus its the "hip" thing to say and think. if they really cared, maybe they would donate, or pay attention to politics a little better, or better yet, educate themselves! =D because our country is doing a horrible job at even that atm (literally a fact, idk were you got your idea that were the best, but were like one of the worst schools, look it up)…. oh and btw, its sooo totally okay for everyone to rip on bush, his name is like a punch line now, but obama is the sacred anointed one o.o…. at least bush didnt cry about it lol…. btw our news lies alllllll the time, so when there like, "oh obama is awesome and absolutely nothing is wrong and the only news ever is celebrity's drama cus life here is so grand and perfect…. and Justin beviers music is the best in the world"… there lying to you!!! to keep everyone doing just as they want…. which is for us to be government ran, and you still have no idea what that means for you… none of you have any IDEA of what rights you have right now, that NOOOO other country has… lol because your allll just a bunch of under educated spoiled brats…. ALLL of you EVEN ME! our country is under-educating, and desensitizing us on purpose… cus you know whats wrong with Iraq, and Africa, and Mexico? LACK OF EDUCATION… and look at Korea, north Korea, a bunch of brainwashed people who think there the superpower of the world and all is peaceful… its like a cult…. were becoming like that… and thats scary. and no damn American president is worth this much support!!!! and Kennedy was preaching this!!! thats why he was killed! he would never EVER support obama, you know why? because obama is for federal government control on everything, and Kennedy was not for that at allllll <(another fact btw)… not at alllllllll…. and if you wanna argue that you better fucking start researching…

    I HOPE you start researching! For the sake of everyone….

    oh and btw ass hole.. stop being racist, saying oh you silly white people, it is just as racist idiot! Skin color is no different than hair or eye color!!!! and if anyone said anything about Obama being black than there just as dumb…. and btw i live in a place where its like 70% black in the hood in carencro Louisiana USA if you wanna look it up! i have lots of friends with black skin and they hate obama too, because they have educated themselves… i think a lot of the world is kept in the dark about a lot of things…. and i dont blame you guys at alll, im not saying you are retarded or crazy, just ignorant, and ignorance can be fixed. Im ignorant, hell our leaders are ignorant, Even the smartest man in the world is ignorant to something… we really needa stop hating and fighting each other! stop being so narrow-minded and dense… and our country really needs to stop having this rift between too very wrong sides… do you know that American politicians were originally suppose to be a side job for the average working man, no 100,000 dollar pay checks, and personal jets… wtf happened?

  20. How about we gather all of the ignorant people like you back to whatever caucasian nation you came from? If we gather you all up and put you in one area you would be less advances then tge tribal nations

  21. let people believe what they want really who cares ? you kind of ppl are why the world is the way it is just have to make an argument about everything or better yet starts wars and shit if this is true its because of ppl like you that things are going to end.cant just be civil and let ppl be. if it happens it happens there is NOTHING you can do…. find out 2012.until than give it up or do some damn research. man kind is the cause of this and p.s to all yous im non religious so there you go !!

  22. Obama is the best president this country should have at this point.I am not American and I am so surprised how stupidity can live along with wealth and development.Obama is great .He is sooo brillant .He is adored and appreciated by the entire planet .How can some americans denigrate their own president in such an ugly manner.The US is more than blessed to have him . What is also funny ,weird and just unbelievable ,his white side is completely denied.Remember…..he is half black and half white.This shows how some Americans are ignorant despite the best schools and universities ect.Be thankful that despite the deep ignorance of some of you ,you are lucky to have the smartest man on earth as PRESIDENT>

  23. In a song written by spanish singer, he describes the opposite when the North would be the South, and the South would be the North, refering to Mexico and the U.S.. A dream for mexicans, Mexico would be the most powerful country economically, the U.S. would be devasted, with poverty, unstable government, unemployment, Americans would try to cross the border to find safety place and a job, (any job). just to survive. The u.s. dollar would not be worldwide acceptable, will be the lowest rated currency in the world. Mexican pesos would be the worlds currency. Mexico would use cheap labor from neighboring U.S.A. to enrich themselves. I saw a Video of this song and it is kind of funny parody.

  24. We need to ship the blacks back. Every county they have been in that's white they
    end up killing the whites.

  25. I have only read 15 comments and out of all those, it is evident that only one comment shows that the poster has nailed the situation on Obama and how he is the best thing to happen to sensibility for a long long time, maybe as far back as JFK. All the others have missed the point about how history is evolving and Nostradamus' Quatrains by a mile or more.

  26. Obama doesn't have a drop of slave blood in him. He is a son of an educated man from Kenya in Africa and a white American woman. This quatrain cannot refer to him.

  27. Seems all the really stupid people who can't even write want Bush back. Bush started our decline. Are you forgetting all that happened during his time in power? How he let the big bankers and insurance companies and wall street run wild and run us into the ground? Why blame that on Obama? Bush gave out the first stimulus, and those who received it went on fancy spa trips, and a lot of that money can not be accounted for. Obama gave out more stimulus which is trackable and being paid back and was put to good use. Get over the fear of the black man. This black man is smarter than George Bush could ever hope to be. Bush was basically a plant in office to do whatever his big, rich buddies wanted him to do. He didn't own that ranch he supposedly owned in Texas. That was a front so he could look like a good ol' American rancher boy. He was nothing but a lie and a joke that took us to Iraq because his big buddies have wanted Iraq and it's oil for a long time. He turned a blind eye to Bin Laden and is on tape saying so. If we still had Bush in office, we would be so far down the drain. Obama is doing what he can against the nut case tea partiers who have no idea about history and the conservative republicans who want to crush the middle class and keep the top 1% on their thrones. Antichrist is ant christ. Christ was for helping the people. You want to find an anti-christ, look at who is protecting the top 1% of the wealthy and securing all the power for them. Look who is sending us to war and keeping us there.


  29. These are riddles and you dont have to put meanings on it since you are not Nostradamus. You will put meanings on it if it happens they claim to everybody that you are the one who decoded the texts.
    Dec 21 2012 @12midnight is when ocean level rises or the high tide. Scientist predicted(the computer they made) that in 2050 earth will die in carbon dioxide if we continue to abuse our forest. Only the Amazon Forest is the biggest remaining carbon eating forest and providing oxygen in the world. I dont based my life on predictions only..i also want scientific facts. In the last prophecy was nostradamus wrote was a drawing of a man raising a book with no text on it. some says it is the end, while other says WE ARE THE ONE WHO WILL WRITE THE PROPHECY IN THAT BOOK.

  30. Obama is a horrible president hence why he has the lowest acceptance raitings. Anti Christ for sure.


  32. 2012 will have a more enlightened president and get people thinking more of others as we are all connected.

  33. So what are you doing to stand up to this madness? besides adding your two cents to this, if you want to stand up, then March right up to Obama's front door or to the TV crew and make a point!
    No man knows when the world will end or when the start of a new beginning will rise!
    Just live your lives and be thankful for what you have! Other people in other countries don't have what we have…they are probably not concerned with when the world will end but when they will have a good meal and drink of cool water! Getting drowned in all this can be quite depressing….Live your life….that's why you got it! 🙂

  34. As a rule, never precede a statement like "Obama had done nothing right in like what almost 3 years id rather have Bush back" with a statement like "you my fellow human being are a moron". The former is completely ignorant (not to mention grammatically laughable) and the latter is a psychological projection.

  35. you my fellow human being are a moron
    Obama had done nothing right in like what almost 3 years id rather have Bush back

  36. we were reading som this shit and a couple of u have really good points.such as:I seem to be noticing there isn't a whole lot of non-religious scientists putting in their theories in on this situation,but we can go over seas and kill ppl that dont even equal up to us AMERICANS.Im sorry too who ever but this country is going down faster than we all exspect.Alrite bak to the point,sorry bout that…but 4really were is the up-to-date evendience….name one person that can actually tell me this shit is going to happen that is not a religious person…..

  37. "slaves" here are not literally as slave.. Remember that there is a huge discrimination between whites and black dominating whites over blacks that even Michael Jackson wrote a song for it.. i think that is what he means!

  38. I think everyone needs to pull thier heads out, and get some sunshine.
    No. 1 I voted for the man, not yet sure if it was a good idea or a bad one. Yes he has made a few mistakes, a couple of times I have thought him less than competant. For some reason though I still have faith in him. I believe that he will pull a rabbit out of the hat.
    No. 2 All of you who think that at midnight Dec. 21st or 12th "not sure which one it is, dislexia is a
    of 2012, think that the world is gonna end, YOU ALL ARE COMPLETE MORONS, sure some rough time are gonna come, more than that it's not a death sentence, but a new begining, I have a theory on what will happen, think alien life . . . that worships christianity, a crusifix on the front of an alien spaceship, wow!.

  39. WTF???? Why are there so many religious fanatics on this site? I seem to be noticing there isn’t a whole lot of non-religious scientists putting in their theories on the matter.

    But, why all this racism and religious fanaticism? It’s more like you guys are all being dumb, uneducated, and narrow-minded duggans. Right you are about yourselves being dumb. Now go out there and do something absolutely stupid for the Darwin award you so happily deserve!

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  41. i dont beleive the world would end in 2012–if you watch the history channel-when the notradamus predicons come on-it says -he predicted the world would end in 2030 or possibly 2025-something around their-i haven’t watched it in along time-anyway i beleive in what CCs coment was-that in
    the bible- it
    says we should
    are lives like were dieing or around those lines-theirs are much
    more neater in the bible

  42. this is so bull!!,the world will end when god wants it towe should live are life like we were dieing!!!the world could end tommorow or today-the point is forget about these prodications-their stupid!!,live your life!,do things you haven’t done before-life is short,and about obama-who cares,my sister believes hes the Anti-christ,i dont know what to think-i guess i hate him too-but that my comment.

  43. Jab yeh dhai kilo ka haath tere sir par padega, to tu uthega nahin; uth jayega.

    when this hand of 2.5 kg will hit you, you will not get up. You will go up.

  44. Nostradamus was right dammit Obama is the anti-Christ he is going to bring down America with his $2.5 TRILLION healthcare scam.

    There ain’tr no way good people are gonna stand by and watch their country go down the chute.


  45. Re the Quatrain 243
    The great empire will be torn from limb,
    The all-powerful one for more than four hundred years:
    Great power given to the dark one from slaves come,
    The Aryana will not be satisfied thereby.

  46. Here’s Nostradamus’ Quatrain VI.33:

    His hand finally through the bloody Alus, he will be unable to protect himself by sea. Between two rivers he will fear the military hand, the black and angry one shall make him repent his actions.

  47. Nostradamus predicted that a black man would be
    irate towards mabus. Mabus could be two names,
    with the last three letters standing for Bush.
    The black man could stand for Obama. If Obama keeps
    blaming Bush for everything it could cause a lot of stress
    for Obama which could lead to serious health problems
    while he is in office.

  48. Well my dear superstitious ladies and gentlemen,
    first of all, Obama is a man, a human just like you, with blood and bones and nothing special about him, unless you want to consider him special.
    Obama has absolutely no power over any human species other then that which is vested on him, so sorry to spoil it for you obama lovers but you are dreaming.
    The rest of you obama haters, you need to move on with your lives and at least try to make a change instead of whining all day against obama like an old whore.
    As far as Nostradamus, that’s the beauty of prophecies, they are enigmatic, and the mind reads what it wants to read. It may be absolutely nothing to it but fiction and the idiots of the world who like the tale, make sure the tale becomes reality, or it may just be that

  49. The Death of Wisdom

    I want to tell you a story about the death of Wisdom. A very, very long time
    ago, a time without time in it in fact. A star appeared in the East and with her a
    woman of profound beauty and peace was born. She came to this world and called
    herself a man named Buddha. She had the laughter of all the children of the world
    sewn into her heart. She is beautiful. I am well pleased.
    Her voice was but a whisper on the winds of this world. So someone thought
    to save her for all mankind to know. So with a pen and paper they hunted her down
    and captured her. Hooked her rather. They couldn’t bring her in completely. Bloody
    fools they were. Imagine trying to throw a net over the very mistress of freedom
    Herself! But they did get away with a few handfuls of her

  50. Hey Road Digga. Are you serious with that. Are you lazy or just unable to spell? Obviously you cant read. The reason the History Channel and its experts said nothing about Obama is because the Smithsonian has the only 4th Edition copy in existence. Obama is sending us into ruin with his Socialist policies. Also, I feel for all you people who are too smart to believe in something like religion. Its really too bad because I am sure some of you are good people. Unfortunately for you thats not gonna be good enough at judgement. For all you nutbag treehuggers, quit worrying about it. We wont be here long enough for your kids to worry about the environment, and global warming is a hoax anyway. Lastly, for people like the Digga. Quit letting your race blind you. It really insults your own

  51. Perhaps this ‘2nd coming’ is not quite what all have invisioned. But rest assured, the time for revelation nears. The Angel of Mercy was sent and forsaken. Destryed. Now HE sends forth another to right the injustice. If among ANY of you, there lies a trace of ‘psychic’ ability, you will feel something as you read this. I promise you.

  52. in the year 2012 the world will not end! clear and simple backed by Nostradamus. while he did quote on being a third anti christ named MABUS backwards is SUBAM and in those times the B can be fliped to a D spelling SUDAM who killed hundreds of people. also he claims in 2012 that our lord will walk the earth not that we will all die. alot of his talk is also about the polars switching. how the north pole and south pole will reverse and everything electronic will fail and will take humans 2 years to get things working with new satilites. take that in for thought and let me know. and just relax no world will end in 2012. his predictions do go past then.

  53. What is wrong with you people your all Insane, We’re All Equal, I hate how You white people think your all the greater person, Look at what Bush did, he’s white and he messed up BIG time, And it should be a womans job to clean up a man’s mess?, Us females aren’t any better A lot of us spread our legs to get what we want we munipulate Men to get somewhere in life its disgusting I hear Skinny girls complain how their fat chunky girls complain All We do is Freakin Complain. Its annoying It doesn’t matter what color you are Black White Yellow Native American Maybe Green damn it it doesn’t matter.

  54. Dana I’m curious; if you don’t believe in God, why are you and the other atheists so afraid of hearing about Him? And please, ask your English teacher to proof read your text next time. No one takes you seriously if you can’t spell or use correct grammar.

    As to Kurtz (11-04-2008), Obama did in fact win. He won the presidential election for the same reason Hitler won the elections in Germany…..a tanked economy and inept leadership of the previous administration.

  55. What this article claims is lies. In no way does Nostradamus’ quatrains make reference to President Obama. There was a three hour special about Nostradamus on the history channel with many scholars who have studied Nostradamus for years. They debunked any kind of reference to the president at all as the third anti christ.

    Any kind of propaganda people can spread to spread hate and fear!

  56. It seems that Nostradamus’s predictions only make sense after they are realized. Hister later was Hilter after the fact ! I am not saying that it isn’t really a prophecy it just seems it is only prophecy after it has happened. A person can’t read on and predict what Nostradamus is trying to tell us before the occurance only after the situation and then they put the piece of the puzzle in it’s place. With all of the time passing since the Medieval Days of Nostradamus, anything at any time could play into his written words.
    It is just a matter of time. Similiar to a lottery of sorts.
    I am Christian and I believe what the Bible tells us, know one will know when Christ comes back to us. Just like a thief in the night Jesus will return.
    But before his direct return there will be a

  57. great power given to the dark one from slaves come.
    this is the same prophecy given by the ancient egyptians 5000 years before christ. these are also the same events prophecied in deuteromony chapter 28.
    this will be the culmination of the hebrew israelites who went into slavery in ships and who wil be brought back by god to replace the askenaz/russian/japthetic jews who are there now.name another people who went to slavery in ships and who are an astonishment and a byword for all nations on the earth.this refers to the tribe of judah/american blacks who with the tribe of benjamin are the only legal blood holders of the title jews the other 10 tribes are named by their tribal name. issachar/mexicans…rueben/seminoles…etc.to understand the quatrain…read deuteromony chapter

  58. all about prophecies and the end of the world is true!..you can think or believe whatever you want but let me tell you something after you die you have two places to go to: heaven or hell(it really exists!)..so its your choice…JESUS THE ONLY GOD AND SAVIOR IS COMING SOON!..so please don’t talk bad about GOD and his people….you don’t know what you are doing!trust me!

  59. alright listen u little aethiest u shuld not impersinate someone for there religion i dont agree with cristians either but dont be prejiduce and yur n ot gonna get anywere being aethiest i hope u live yur life with no faith or point enjoy with no salvation bitch

  60. Omg ! you guys dont even get whats being said you cant respect anything he has said all you do is sit there in you little christian life and think your perfect open your frekin eyes and see whats happening and believe some shyt allright instead of thinking chritians rule when the suck because im tired of you peoples crap and therefor look at what he all predicted and it came tru so suck it this is from a high school kid that dont wanna here your stuck up christian crap ___ ps obama is doing his best could you do any better tirds!! btw im aethiest and you can shove it !!!!

  61. You have to be born on United States soil to be a United States citizen being born on a military base is USA soil like in Germany for example the USA has bases there and it is USA soil. But just because your mom is a american born and raised and you were born in Great Britian if it was not on American soil or a Military base you are not a Citizen I live near Detroit trust me if that were true the whole middle east would be americans and that aint true. Pregnant Arabs come to the USA so their babies are AMerican citizens and later they can petition for their family to come over here as well home grown terrorists

  62. Ok. Racism is a big player in this administration. There is no doubt about it. I thnik you believe what yo are told to beleive and those of you who belive in the predictians tend to lean toward the uneduceted side. So, Here’se the truth. First of all. Obama is not the Anti-christ. He was not a decendent from slaves. His father was from Kenya his mother was a white american. 1.) Any person who’s mother or father is a citizen of the United States is automatically a citizen of the United States. It does not matter where you were born…. if that was the case all children born on military bases all around the world would have to apply for citizenship…. yet there parents are US citizens serving overeas. 2.) Obama was not decended from american slavery. Michelle Obama was,m but, she

  63. your an idiot – How wrong you are – Let me point you to the Bible in Daniel Chapter 9 where is goes to tell us that the AntiChrist will come from the land that destroyed Jeruselum. Now histroy, I am somewhat good with and I know that in 70AD that the Romen Empire destroyed Jeruselum, Georgraphy on the other hand, I am not the greatest, but I do know for a FACT that the Romen Empire is in the middle east!!!!

    Before you go and make a comment on a site, I would suggest that you go and get your

    Doug 15-07-2009

  64. M-13

    13 1 22 1 18=55


    15 2 1 13 1=32

    55 32=87
    87*23 = 2001
    87 23 – a new war on terror started
    1760 -war napoleon was in

  65. As even his so called followers know now he(obama) is a liar. He has not even given to those who he promised to and is trying to blame it on congress, which btw his people control. USe his words in election i will help all americans to keep their homes yet his bill he trying to push through only helps those who have not lost their jobs due to his plans. Which includes 2 million people who have lost jobs since he started his so called bale outs. He promise coal and power plant owners he would not hurt their business yet he has put 3 bills through to shut them down while shipping all supplies to china for build over 300 coal power plants. Finace rules by congress say all security back loans get paid first yet he forced banks that GM owed money to to back down to the UAW so the UAW could

  66. Christ has come back like a thief in the night, but one needs to see His coming with some regard to Him sending His angel. His angel was re-born during the deep of the night, the last watch before sun up on June 25, 1956 ADP (ADP means a year of God’s return – a mixture of Latin and Greek – Anno Domino Parousia). Yet I have the surname Edward Palamar, I am that angel. Nostradamus spoke of this event in the quatrain (4 lined verse) of Book VII, #24 – When he who was buried comes out of the tomb, referencing the burial of John (the Baptist) and John’s resurrection by Christ. The second line of the quatrain states he shall make the strong one referencing Daniel’s prophecy of the 4th beast and ensueing relations to the Antichrist. This is a precise example of the accuracy of

  67. God will bring the end as a thief in the night, so that oretty much sums it up to me! No One will know the appointed time of judgement and should not believe in unperfect Man for the time of this day. Nostradomus was wrong far more times than he was right. And even the ones he was said to be right on was used on other people in history. His predictions are vague because they can be used on several times and people through history. And also the Anti-Christ is not ONE person it is meant on anybody that is ANTI CHRIST! The Bible does not support any religon that goes against Christ’s principles. Just because you go to a church or Mosque doesn’t mean that you’re Godly. Look at the History……If your Religon is part of the Crusades or support burning Women at the

  68. Very interesting.
    Hopefully, more Quattrains will be revealed as there is NO DOUBT that during his lifetime Nostradamus was (wholly) accurate in his predictions (i.e. even the Queen was impressed about his prediction about her Husband being killed during the joust and he became her life long consultant).
    Lastly, there may be a Divine Component into his ability to see therefore it should not be readily dismissed
    Nuff said.

  69. I would like to reply on a comment that was made on here not too long ago. We have nothing to worry about, Obama is NOT the Anti-Christ. There is NOTHING in the book of Revelation or anywhere in the Bible that tell us that the Anti-Christ is a Muslim and will be from the east.

    Drake 30-11-2008

    How wrong you are – Let me point you to the Bible in Daniel Chapter 9 where is goes to tell us that the AntiChrist will come from the land that destroyed Jeruselum. Now histroy, I am somewhat good with and I know that in 70AD that the Romen Empire destroyed Jeruselum, Georgraphy on the other hand, I am not the greatest, but I do know for a FACT that the Romen Empire is in the middle east!!!!

    Before you go and make a comment on a site, I would suggest that you go and get your

  70. Your rule my lord will not be one of peace
    Your reign my king will not be one of smiles
    Even as we speak in caves both dark and dank
    Enraged fanatics plot your dark demise
    They will put around your head a bloodwet martyr’s crown.
    Oh black Kennedy following the one before
    May God forgive thee and thy fiery spouse
    As you walk in silence from the stage of life
    Barack Obama, blessed son, Oh standing king.

  71. God spake ye of the One; it was he who by divine intervention said unto ye, Lick pussy, for it is delicious. I will let you make up your own minds.

  72. I am so sorry. It is over. Trust me. You will soon find out what kind of person he is (Obama). I feel bad for the people who are blind. I am so sorry for what will happen. God bless you all. Those who voted did not know what they were doing. You are all in my prayers. Please focus on facts. He is now revealed. I pray you do not accept the NEW WORLD ORDER:( PLEASE DONT. Do not turn your back on God. But turn your back on ……… You know who

  73. Obama is a liar and a thief. You will see the truth soon. Nothings changed, you will see soon when Obama shows who he really is ……MABUS!



  74. I had a dream about these same verses a few months ago and i was on the internet and came across this site and the prophecy i was freaked wen i read those words its as if i had the dream and it told me nearly to the word!!!! Im confused, am i somehow linked to this or nostrdamos or am i somehow psychic? I believe that Obama is the new lord, he is going to save us from the white oppressors and evil men, he is going to unite us and the new kingdum is gonna rise up!

  75. These are anxious times and people the world over are hungering for solutions mostly quick fixes without appreciating the fact that the problems have been long in the making. Obama is the right person in the right place for these troubled times and rather than people whining about some archaic and nonsensical prophecy, it were better if they concentrated on trying to ameliorate their lot and look with faith to our God given leaders to lead us out of the morass years of mismanegement by bush & co have thrown our country into. Long live America!

  76. Obama is not a citizen of US, rather he holds dual citizenship which makes him ineligible to hold Presidential office. Obama is actually Barry Sortorro, and never legally changed his name to B Obama, also makes him ineligible. Obama also held several different social security numbers, majorly illegal, and another reason. Obama is actually an Indonesian who practiced the religion of Islam for several years, does that make him a Muslim? Maybe, maybe not, but he still lied about ever being Muslim. Paints and pretty good picture of someone that legally could not run for US President.

  77. Never trust a negro who aint ever been put in jail by the white man. Obama never been to jail that means the white man got itself a good house n’er.

    The whieys they like Obama, he ‘s a gooood nigger!!!

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