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What 40% Off Looks Like in Dactylic Hexameter

LONDON - England - We are trying to sell a book in dactylic hexameter. 40% off - limited time offer. Roll up, roll up, grab your copy now - click here now.

With fervent zeal and fiery exclamations, Curtis Press, our publisher, gives proclamations, Of promo codes that offer forty percent, Off retail price, for all those who are intent.

The woke despise us, but we pay no heed, For if you seek our book, with speed and greed, Now is the time, before the code expires, To grab a copy, set your hearts on fire.

Fifteen years of satire, sweat and tears, And fluids, other bodily, not for mere cheers, But to create a tome that makes a mark, Opposition to woke Stasi, their art stark.

For cancel culture, we have no regard, For they would seek to crush us, make us barred, From speaking truths, from telling history, From freely expressing our artistry.

Stand with us, brothers and sisters, in our fight, And let us together, with all our might, Smash those who trample on our liberty, On free speech, on democracy, it must be.

The promo code won’t last for long, my friends, So come and get our book before it ends, Only a few signed first editions remain, So get them now, don’t wait, or you’ll complain.


40% OFF


  Daily Squib Book

  DAILY SQUIB BOOK The Perfect Gift or can also be used as a doorstop. Grab a piece of internet political satire history encapsulating 15 years of satirical works. The Daily Squib Anthology REVIEWS: "The author sweats satire from every pore" | "Overall, I was surprised at the wit and inventedness of the Daily Squib Compendium. It's funny, laugh out loud funny" | "Would definitely recommend 10/10" | "This anthology serves up the choicest cuts from a 15-year reign at the top table of Internet lampoonery" | "Every time I pick it up I see something different which is a rarity in any book"


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The definitive book of Juvenalian satire and uncanny prophesies that somehow came true. This is an anthology encompassing 15 years of Squib satire on the internet compiled and compressed into one tiddly book. Buy the Book Now!