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HomeEntertainmentSelfie Stick Extends 600 Feet For Those Long Shots

Selfie Stick Extends 600 Feet For Those Long Shots

ARIZONA - USA - The latest design in selfie sticks extends to just under 600 feet for an extra long shot selfie.


“I took my selfie stick to the Grand Canyon and pressed the button. The stick with my cell phone extended over the canyon and I took my picture. Shame I lost the iPhone when it fell 3,000 feet as a gust of wind hit it,” Angela Miers, 23, a visitor and selfie fan from California wrote on her Facebook page.

The selfie long stick is manufactured by a Chinese company, and the sales have been booming.

“We manufacture selfie sticks to the lowest form of self-obsessed humans. Sales are increasing daily and the extended version is now our biggest seller,” Shen Long, CEO of the company told China Daily.

There are warnings however with the new extended selfie stick. Don’t extend your stick in an enclosed space or you could cause injury either to yourself or others. Beware of extending your selfie stick under low flying aircraft. The force and speed of extension can be quite powerful, and there have been various instances of selfie yelpies.

“One guy extended his stick vertically under a helicopter flying at 400 feet, the selfie stick goes to 600 feet. Cut a long story short, the helicopter crashed killing all occupants including everyone in the old people’s home it landed on. So be careful out there folks,” police safety officer, Doug Eccstenz, for the Arizona Police Department told local news reporters.

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  1. This is actually pretty cool. Where can I get one? You don’t mention the company name in the article..

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