A man formerly from Knightsbridge has been mocked on social media after losing more than £700,000 to a scammer posing as the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The 53-year-old divorced former millionaire, known only as Peter, thought he was dealing with someone who actually knew about how to run an economy.
“She told me she was Rachel from accounts, and was an experienced economist. I only found out later that she lied on her CV and was actually a con artist masquerading as a Chancellor,” the distraught man recalled.

“She kept telling me that she had a £22 billion black hole and all I had to do was help fill the hole with my £700,000,” he added.
After a series of massive tax demands, the man became suspicious that something was not right, but continued to give Rach from accounts the benefit of the doubt.
“Where was my money going? It just disappeared. Then Rachel would keep sending me more tax demands and pics of her in hospital needing money until I had no money left for my business, or for anything. Now I’m homeless, living on a park bench in Newham.”
After all his money was gone, there was no more correspondence with Rachel. She disappeared, some say to China, or Nigeria. No one knows.
This is a cautionary tale to beware of scams misleading voters with false promises and lies, as this man’s life now lies in ruins.

Genius article. DS is the best for socking it to these maroons.