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HomeWorldRetirement Age Pushed to 5 Years After Death

Retirement Age Pushed to 5 Years After Death

LONDON - England - George Osborne has outlined his plan for citizens of the UK to have a vastly extended retirement age.

George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer today announced the wonderful news that the retirement age in the UK will be 5 years after your death.

But that’s not all, citizens will be taxed fully during the 5 year period after you die and those who do not pay the tax could receive heavy penalties and fines from the Inland Revenue.

“We want to be sure we get every drop of your money out of you,” Mr Osborne said grinning like a Cheshire cat.

In other news, Ed Balls popped a haemorrhoid during Osborne’s budget session and had to be rushed to the House of Commons bogs so that he could change his nappy.

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