
Obama: “Now Watch This Drive”

FLORIDA - USA - President Obama has taken time off from work just because he can. There's a time for…

9 years ago

American Troops in Ukraine : Cold War or Hot War?

DONETSK - Ukraine - Strategic Analyst, Elmer Fudge, is concerned by the American meddling in Ukraine. Especially when American troops…

9 years ago

Boris Johnson (Rambojo) Ventures Deep Into South London

LONDONISTAN - England - Mayor Boris Johnson is on a mission to clean out South Londonistan, and the other day…

9 years ago

U.S. Air Strikes on ISIS Seem to be Working

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The U.S. air strikes seem to be working because ISIS have tripled their territory since…

9 years ago

Historians: “Islam Still at Christian Medievel Inquisition Stage”

OXFORD - England - A group of historians have analysed the current actions of religious fanatics aligned with Islam and…

9 years ago

Obama: Je Suis Charlie Hebdo

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The president of the United States has made a heart felt explanation for not joining…

9 years ago

American Economy Soars at Expense of Russia

MOSCOW - Russia - Sooner or later something is going to give, and you better have a state of the…

9 years ago

The Next World War Will Be Science vs Religion

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The coming robot, virtual reality, artificial intelligence deluge will be a challenging time for religious…

9 years ago

The West Must Reinstate Compulsory Military Conscription Now

PARIS - France - Full compulsory military conscription in all Western nations must be implemented immediately before it is too…

9 years ago

Happy New Nihilism Year

LONDON - England - The year is supposedly 2015. What lies ahead was planned many years before this year.

9 years ago

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