
Piers Morgan Off to Syria to Talk Down Brit Jihadis

LOS ANGELES - USA - Piers Morgan is packing his bags and moving to the Middle East for a new…

10 years ago

Global Warming Activists Happy About Iceland Volcano Cooling

LONDON - England - Mount Bardarbunga in Iceland is ejaculating and thrusting out billions of particles into the atmosphere blocking…

10 years ago

ISIS Display Their Newest Acquisition

MOSUL - Iraq - There has been a crisis in the ISIS camp as traditional beheadings are taking too long…

10 years ago

No Trial For Ferguson Hero Cop Darren Wilson

FERGUSON - USA - As the crowds die down and the senseless nonsensical rhetoric is quashed by facts about the…

10 years ago

Experts: Why ISIS Beheadings Criminalise All British Muslims

LONDON - England - British Muslims who overtly display their Islamic religion in public are now in danger, a new…

10 years ago

‘Let’s Be Cops’ in Ferguson Missouri

FERGUSON - USA - There's a new film out on August 27 in the UK, released by 20th Century Fox…

10 years ago

Cameron Election Latest: We’re Not Going to War

LONDON - England - Prime Minister, David Cameron has emphatically denied that Britain is going to war again in the…

10 years ago

An Englishman’s Home No Longer His Castle Says UK Law

LONDON - England - The Englishman has been emasculated by British law because he is not allowed to own a…

10 years ago

5 Different Ways Julian Assange Can Leave Ecuadorian Embassy

LONDON - England - Poor Julian Assange, the Wikileaks fugitive has been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy for two…

10 years ago

President Obama Detained in Ferguson Missouri

FERGUSON - USA - The president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama was arrested early Sunday morning by Ferguson…

10 years ago

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