
Want More Free Cash? Move to Scotland

GLASGOW - Scotland - Alcoholics, drug addicts, benefits cheats, Eastern European gangsters, students. Want more benefits, free money, free university,…

9 years ago

Cosby Drugged My Pet Sheep Dimples Says Farmer

NEBRASKA - USA - Former household name actor, Bill Cosby has become embroiled in another scandal, this time involving a…

9 years ago

Prince Andrew: “Prison Doesn’t Faze Me It’s Like Boarding School”

WINDSOR - England - Prince Andrew is rather sanguine about the prospect of being extradited to America if convicted for…

9 years ago

Seasons Greetings From Ferguson, Missouri

FERGUSON - USA - Seasons Greetings from that lovely town in Missouri, where the Christmas cheer warms the cockles of…

9 years ago

Obama and Holder NYPD Shooting: Finally We Got a Result

ALOHA - Hawaii - After months of anti-White, anti-police rhetoric, president Obama and his deputy in incitement, Eric Holder, have…

9 years ago

Grand Jury: Darren Wilson Innocent Without Charge

FERGUSON - USA - A grand jury has given hero cop Darren Wilson, a clean slate on his police record,…

9 years ago

Antoine Dodson: “Bill Cosby We Gon’ Find You”

HUNTSVILLE - USA - Antoine Dodson thinks he knows who attempted to jump on his sister back in 2010.

9 years ago

Americans Fooled by Obamacare Prank

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - President Obama has been responding to some Americans who think they were fooled into believing…

9 years ago

Forex Banker Rigged Own Pay Packet

LONDON - England - A foreign exchange trader has been given a large bonus for rigging his own pay packet…

10 years ago

Oscar Pistorius Went From This to This

PRETORIA - South Africa - Paralympian athlete Oscar Pistorius has begun serving a five year jail sentence for killing his…

10 years ago

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