
EU: Greece Must Endure Austerity For 30 Years

ATHENS - Greece - The winds waft an ominous stench from the hills and mountains of Northern Europe onto the…

9 years ago

New Year Asia Plane Tour Offer For Five Lucky Winners

JAKARTA - Indonesia - The Daily Squib is offering five lucky readers an Asia plane ticket ride of a life…

9 years ago

Sony Hacking: North Korea Shoots Back With Obama Monkey Racial Slur

PYONYANG - N. Korea - The rogue state used a racial slur to describe the American president, as the row…

9 years ago

Contact Lens Search at Berkeley Petrol Station Gets Out of Hand

BERKELEY - USA - Dwight S. Shabanaker, 34, lost a contact lens at a St. Louis gas station on Tuesday…

9 years ago

Seasons Greetings From Ferguson, Missouri

FERGUSON - USA - Seasons Greetings from that lovely town in Missouri, where the Christmas cheer warms the cockles of…

9 years ago

Obama and Holder NYPD Shooting: Finally We Got a Result

ALOHA - Hawaii - After months of anti-White, anti-police rhetoric, president Obama and his deputy in incitement, Eric Holder, have…

9 years ago

Tony Blair Refuses to Answer Questions Could be Waterboarded Says Home Office

LONDON - England - The former prime minister said speculation about his role in the UK and US's torture program…

9 years ago

Experts: Putin Could Be New Face of NWO

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The ranks of the NWO do get ruffled when plans go awry, although who is…

9 years ago

Cheney Caught Torturing Waiter During Lunch Restaurant Visit

LANGLEY - Virginia - Former Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney was caught torturing a waiter at a…

9 years ago

Breaking News: Queen’s Corgis Recovered After Kidnap Attempt

LONDON - England - Three of the Queen's corgis, Pumpy, Tibber and Fayed spectacularly went missing on Sunday night from…

9 years ago

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