freedom of speech

Socialists Now Eating Themselves With Their Own Cancel Culture

LONDON - England - It is quite amusing to observe Cancel Culture communists who started their movement, eating themselves.

4 years ago

Should Humans Be Forced to Like Things or People They Don’t Like?

LONDON - England - Freedom of speech is once again being curtailed by mass censorship and Cancel Culture, aligning the…

4 years ago

Defund the Thought Police

LONDON - England - It is time that the Thought Police are defunded from their nefarious operations of censorship, cancel…

4 years ago

Are Elections Viable if there is No Freedom of Speech in a Supposed Democracy?

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - With no freedom of speech and a one-sided focus on political discourse, there is absolutely…

4 years ago

Intelligence: China Encouraging BLM ANTIFA Rioters Across U.S. Cities

MINNEAPOLIS - USA - As the riots and looting go from city to city, one must look at the destabilising…

4 years ago

Experts: Biased Socialist Censorship is Regressive – Instead People Should Have Choice to Not Look if Offended

NORMANDY - France - On the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings the censorship obsessed West now has less freedom…

5 years ago

British Government Chooses Assangexit Instead of Brexit

LONDON - England - The British government chooses Assangexit instead of Brexit, and creeps further into the mire of betrayal,…

5 years ago

Why Liberty, Freedom and the Right to Self Expression Must Be Fought For to the Death

LONDON - England - The inherent human right to liberty, freedom of expression and speech are in serious danger of…

6 years ago

How Are American Socialists Liberal?

LONDON - England - Watching American socialists call themselves 'liberals' belies an altogether truth, they are now very far away…

6 years ago

Is Conservatism and Libertarianism the New Punk?

LONDON - England - Is conservatism and libertarianism the new punk? These now forbidden ideologies are heavily censored and removed…

6 years ago

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