daily squib

April Fools : Day Off For Squib Staff

LONDON - England - It's April Fools day again and as is customary it is our annual day off.

9 years ago

Je Suis Charles

WINDSOR - England - His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales has kindly written a piece for the Daily Squib,…

9 years ago

Why Satire is Important For Cultural Growth, Society and Humility

LONDON - England - Satire is a very important part of the Western concept of freedom and free speech and…

9 years ago

Free Speech: Political Correctness Just as Dangerous as Religious Fundamentalism

LONDON - England - Political correctness is equal to Islamic fundamentalism in its prohibitive behaviour towards free speech.

9 years ago

David Cameron: “I’ve Just Started Reading the Daily Squib”

LONDON - England - Prime minister, David Cameron, fresh back from the G20 has admitted to starting to read the…

9 years ago

Daily Squib Hidden Cash Competition Update

LONDON - England - The Daily Squib newspaper is presenting a golden opportunity for one lucky person to find a…

10 years ago

April Fools? We’re Off to Enjoy the Sunshine

LONDON - England - As is customary on every April Fools, the Daily Squib gets a well deserved day off.…

10 years ago

Prince Charles Letter to Daily Squib Urges Restraint

LONDON - England - Our eminent offices were graced the other day with some royal correspondence of which we have…

10 years ago

Invest in Squibcoins They’re Safer

LONDON - England - Forget Bitcoins, what a disaster, how about Squibcoins? A sure fire winner in any investment portfolio.

10 years ago

This Article Went Viral Tomorrow

LONDON - England - Hello. You are now reading this viral article from the future and it has gone kind…

11 years ago

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