compulsory conscription

What Happens When You Are Called Up For National Service?

LONDON - England - We outline what will happen if you are called up for national service and the intricacies…

3 months ago

Pathetic Weak Sunak is Certainly No Churchill

LONDON - England - Weak PM Rishi Sunak has sidelined the head of the British army and Defence Minister, denying…

3 months ago

Military Conscription: Britain Must Prepare For the Future Now

LONDON - England - Britain must start preparing for the future by implementing military conscription.

5 months ago

Experts: Western World Must Consider Compulsory Military Conscription

LONDON - England - The West must reintroduce compulsory military conscription immediately and increase military spending, a group of experts…

2 years ago

Britain VS Russia: Bring Back the Compulsory Draft

LONDON - England - The UK military spending budget is woefully behind Russia. The UK must also embrace compulsory military…

6 years ago

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